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Australian citizen children on 309 visa form


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We are in the process of completing the partner 309/100 visa form for my husband.


It says that the other parent must give consent for our children to migrate and needs to do a statutory declaration to that effect.

I am the Australian partner, sponsor and the mother of our children. The children are Australian citizens and are, of course, going with us.


Do I still need to do a stat dec granting permission for them to migrate? They are not really migrating, as they are Australian citizens and they are accompanying us.


Confused. Hubby ticked the box to say that they are migrating with him because he said 'Well, I'm not leaving them behind, so they are migrating with me.'


Can anyone clarify?

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Guest GeorgeD

They aren't migrating. They are Australian Citizens. They are non-migrating dependents on your husbands application. They are his dependents, but they are not migrating.


In these terms, DIAC see 'migration' as being the whole visa, legal requirement type stuff...not the mechanics of moving from A to B...You can do exactly the same trip as a 'visitor', 'migrant' or 'citizen.' All three could be on the same flight, but have a different status in DIAC-speak! Same as you aren't migrating to Australia (being an Australian Citizen yourself), neither are your children.

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