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Health problem since passing medical but before activating visa

Guest Ayatollahrhi

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Guest Ayatollahrhi

Hi all,


I'm really hoping someone has some experience of what happens if your health worsens after having your medical and visa grant but before you activate the visa. My understanding if that we have to let them know but I'm really worried that my husband's handed his notice in, we've rented our house out and booked flights for 9 weeks time and Aus might say we can't go after all.


My son had a bit of blood in his stool so I took him to the GP today and she referred him because there was no obvious cause. But we're unlikely to be seen and resolved before we go so I'm not sure what will happen.


We're thinking of seeing someone privately to get seen quicker and will speak to the Aus immigration dept on Monday but does anyone else have any experience or knowledge to share?


Thanks in advance, Rhi x

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