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Moving Across in the new year 2013


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Hi Everyone


At the moment i am in the application process for a job with Coates Hire i have had a few interviews and everything is looking really promising for us to move across. Me and my Wife have a few questions we thought would be good to ask on here.


We are looking at moving to Queensland area to be decided as yet depending on location of Job.


right our Questions if anyone has any info on any of these it would be greatly apprieciated.


1) what is the Income Tax rate


2) rent and accomodation

a. Average cost of renting a 4 bed house

b. Other Costs i.e Coucil Tax, Gas, Electric


3) Health insurance is this mandatory or is there state provided medical care


4) cost of running a car i.e Insurance, Road Tax, MOT


5) Cost of Schooling


Im sure there are lots of questions we have forgotten to ask but any help on these ones would be great and thanks in advance for your replies.




Paul And Diane

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