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Health Insurance, Non-Reciprocal, WHV

Guest Kyoto

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I've been doing a lot of research and read about three or four pages worth of threads, as well as reading various government websites, but I'm not clear on how I'm going to get health insurance.


I'll be starting out on a Work and Holiday visa. This will determine whether or not I think migration to Australia is worth it (which, I think it is), but I'm not willing to risk going somewhere without adequate health insurance. As an American, I already play that game inside the US. The only reason I had health insurance in the US (ended as of yesterday) is because I was enrolled in a MA program. In Japan, I have national healthcare. Unfortunately, Australia and Japan do not have a reciprocal agreement.


Everything I've read suggests that I cannot get a Medicare card until I am in a position to apply for Permanent Residency. I don't have to have Permanent Residency yet, I just need to have application in. The implication, of course, is that I wouldn't apply knowing I'd be turned down just to get a Medicare card... as I assume I would lose it as soon as my application was rejected. So that assumes at least a year or more where I do not qualify for Medicare...


I almost never go to the doctor or the hospital, I've never used an ambulance, and I've never even broken a bone. I have no pre-existing conditions. Etc, etc, etc. However, I am absolutely terrified of being in a situation where some major accident occurs or I am diagnosed with a severe illness. I do wear glasses, and I'm predisposed towards weak enamel, and I've had some serious issues with my teeth, so dental care is pretty important. I didn't have dental care at all in the US (couldn't get it through my MA program), and I paid about $3000 out of pocket in May for major work.


I need comprehensive health insurance. Travel insurance is fine for a few months at the very most, just in case of some major accident, but it's not good enough for a year or two. What are my options? Can I get private health insurance like I would in the States? I read a lot about people who don't even have health insurance because it's "not worth it," so despite what I've read about medical care being expensive in Australia, is it really expensive compared to the US? Because in the US, an uncovered doctor visit will cost you like $200... and that's just to get in the door, nevermind tests or prescriptions. Dental care is pretty bad as well, with single fillings costing between $100 and $200 each, with crowns costing about $1000 or more.


My biggest fear, but I haven't been able to find any confirmation either way, is that as a WHV holder I will simply be ineligible for any healthcare program in Australia other than those designed for travellers. This will not be sufficient, and would be the "other shoe" I've been waiting to drop since starting my planning.

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On a working holiday visa, you should get travel insurance. You should be able to get backpacker travel insurance for 12months at least.


Simply getting health insurance isn't enough. If something REALLY bad happens, you're going to need repatriation costs, not just health costs. Health insurance won't cover that, even if you were eligible for it.

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I spent the down time calling insurers. I eventually called iSelect and told them what I needed. I was able to find a private healthcare policy with medical, dental, optical, prescription, hospitalisation, repatriation for a price I consider a good deal. Other than initial travel insurance, I do not see why I would need 12 months of backpacker insurance.

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