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Sydney hotels.

Guest JK2510

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Guest JK2510

Hi all,


Can anyone reccommend a hotel and area for a first timer to stay in....its only for 2 nights...wanna see bondi,opera house and the bridge...typical touristy stuff really....don't wanna pay more than $175 pn...


Many thanks...

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My recc is to stay in a pub. Two of the best in the heart of the historic centre of The Rocks - the Lord Nelson and the Australian - do good rooms. Loads of character and not that noisy, and you couldn't get more central. The Australian is a better pub (IMO), rooms in the Nelson are probably better. Both somewhere between $110 and $175 I think




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The Swissotel is really nice, stayed there August 2011. It's a great spot only 10 mins from most of the attractions in any direction. Think it's a bit more than $175pn though.


Have also stayed at the Holiday Inn in Darling Harbour, it's nice enough and just across the road from the monorail station so easy to nip down to the CBD.



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