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I am a 68 year old recently arrived in Queensland and have Type 1 diabetes. I do not yet qualify an age pension due to residency but do have medicare green card. I also do not yet have any cover under private medical insurance.

Does anyone know a ball park figure for the likely costs involved in the treatment per year? This would involve doctors' visits, regular screening for blood pressure, cholesterol etc plus the supply of insulin, and pills for blood pressure and cholesterol.

I have registered with NDSS which I believe helps to keep the costs down for the supply non prescription extras.

Any further advice would also be appreciated.


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It will really depend on how well you manage your condition. Of course you will have the insulin but they supply six months for the price of one prescription and it comes in pens now so that takes care of that. It really also depends how much care you want, my daughter has been type 1 since childhood and she only goes to the doc when she needs a prescription for her insulin. Occasionally she will go to a specialist and have the tests.


Join Diabetes Australia they will have a branch in Brisbane and they may be able to help you further.

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