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Medical test completed - further tests required.

Guest charlotte89

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Guest charlotte89

Hi all


Having a bit of a difficult time to be honest, I attended for medical checks on Friday the 10th August and the panel doctor could see a small lump above my right collarbone which when I laid down, by this moved when i sat up and he said 'its mobile'. He did not appear overly concerned and just advised me to see my GP. Today (4 days post medical) i received a phonecall stating that immi had been informed and will be in contacting me with further tests that are required such as a Biopsy which is obviously a very frightening thing to be told as I am only 23 years old, do not feel at all unwell and have never been particularly unwell.

If im truly honest I wouldn't say I'm concerned that anything will be found and maybe its just something I've had my whole life :-s but who knows. Its the further cost and time that will occur. When I finally felt as though everything was coming together the last hurdle has well and truly smacked me in the face.

I'm just wondering about any other peoples experiences and if there is any chance further tests won't be requested. I have arranged an appointment with my GP - if she checked me over and found nothing, would Immi accept her medical opinion?


Thank you for reading. I hope to receive some replies as I do feel very worried.



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Hello Charlotte. I'm really not sure whether or not they would accept the opinion of your gp, I'm guessing you would have to see a medical professional approved by them (& pay for it no doubt) Sorry can't be of much help but I hope it all gets resolved quickly for you, it's a stressful time going through the visa process without added worries.

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Guest charlotte89



Thank you very much for your reply. I have been to see my GP today and she has absolutely no concern whatsoever after a thorough examination - i informed her of what the panel doctor told me to say but she couldn't see or feel anything. I have attempted to contact the panel doctor but they aren't available until tomorrow. My GP said she would be happy to speak to the panel doctor or write a letter explaining that nothing was located. If they do want further tests or anything it would need to be privately done by them (and paid excessive amounts by me) as she feels a biopsy, mri or bloods would be completely unnecessary when nothing was located by her. This is obviously good news but just weird that nothing could be found by her.


Again thank you for your reply.

My fingers are crossed tightly that everything will be ok, but who knows with the visa process :)



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