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student visa haven't expired but i finish my study earlier,overstaying ?

Guest nathan007

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Guest nathan007

so i finish my study in dec 2011 and my student visa expires on march 2013 so does that mean i overstayed ?


i had no idea since i though i still could use that visa still its expiry date...most probably i will get the ban and get deported then ?


anyone know any possible solution now ?

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so i finish my study in dec 2011 and my student visa expires on march 2013 so does that mean i overstayed ?


i had no idea since i though i still could use that visa still its expiry date...most probably i will get the ban and get deported then ?


anyone know any possible solution now ?


If you complete your course more than 6 months before its scheduled conclusion, the educational institution will report you for early completion, and from that reporting date you have 28 days to lodge another visa otherwise DIAC will notify you that your student visa will be terminated.


I suggest contacting a registered migration agent for further assistance.

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Guest ozmigrationservices

Yes, as said above your education provider would advise immigration of your completion day, and you would have 28 days to apply for another visa.


One questions, how long was your study for and it is unusual or immigration to grant a visa lets say 1 and half years longer of your expected completion date.???

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Guest nathan007

well it seem like that my institution havent advice immigration that my study have been completed ....


i was suppose to continue my diploma and go to a degree but i decided to stop at the diploma course only,that why i have 1 more year on the visa


so wat are my options now ? since the visa expires next year will that mean i can go pass immigration at the airport without them noticing i overstayed ? and then re apply another visa outside australia safely without getting the 3 year ban ?

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