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Temporary Partner Visa Granted (SubClass 820/801 onshore) Experience


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Hi guys,


Have been a long time lurker on the forums and I have got some great information from this site. I have just had my visa granted and I thought I would give you my timeline and experience.


I applied for a Partner Visa on the 7th April 2011, fully front loaded with everything but Australia police check (In the information it said only get an Australian police check if you have been in Oz for more than 12 months.)


When I submitted my application they asked me to fill in a form 80. I did this and delivered it by hand a week later to the immigration office.


I then heard nothing for 13 months. Not a thing. Then I got an e-mail from immigration asking for an Australian police check. I went ahead and got this organised and posted it to the relevant place.

3 weeks later I got a package that I had to sign for and it contain some of my personal photos from my application and MY VISA GRANT LETTER :biggrin:


So some things to note from my application


Never got a case officer

Was in relationship for 2 years before application.

Lived in UK and Australian during the first 2 years of relationship

I'm English, partner Australian


Some other things to note.


I went back to the UK for a holiday before my WHV expired but after I lodged my application (Bridging visa in place to start when WHV expired) and retuned still with time on my WHV. When I left Oz, with out my knowledge my bridging visa was cancelled, even though it wasn't active. I only found out that I had no visa when my work did a random visa check and I came up without a visa. I was panicking big time but when I went to immigration they said that as I left and returned close to the end of my WHV their system is a bit basic and thought I had gone home. They reinstated my bridging visa on the spot.


Another thing of note is I applied to work for the same employer for longer than 6 months on my WHV and was accepted, I then asked for work restrictions to be dropped on my bridging visa and was told I could work for the same employer until a decision was made on my partner visa.


Anyway enough from me, just wanted to say thank you for the information on this site and good luck to all who are applying for visa.




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