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Austrlian Computer society skill assessent result

Guest alaaabdu

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Guest alaaabdu

Hi all,

i have just received the result of the skill assessment from the Australian computer society as suitable :) .

some thing i did not proper calculated before is my exact total years of experience which they recognize in total of 7 years and 11 months as per the date of skill assessment submission.


and i noticed that if i waited only one month before i submit the skill assessment i would gain an extra 5 points from DIAC

because of having 8 years of experience.


my question is do DIAC count the points based on the skill assessment result i got or do they request an update of the experience letters later and count me as 8 years.


in spite of the fact that i do not want to pay and wait for another 2-3 months to get the result, i am not sure how effective these 5 points will be on my overall skill select mechanism.


thanks for the advice


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Guest peterm2

DIAC does their own calculations so you SHOULD be fine, if ACS came to the same result (a few montsh less which is obvious) that should support your case

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