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Cheapest for flights from Ire or the Uk and our best option traveling with a 16 month old baby?

Guest Irishfamily

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Guest Irishfamily

Hey all i am new to this forum im hoping to get some information on a few things myself my fiancee and our 16 month old child will be traveling out to sydney i secured a sponsor ona 457 visa.

I have previously been out on a whv thats were i met my partner. We are traveling from Ireland or the Uk which ever is the cheapest.

Do i wait till i have the visa in my hand before i book the flights? as the prices seem to get higher as the closer it gets to september

Who is the cheapest to fly with? we are only getting a 1 way ticket

Has anyone here done this journey before with a young child? if so do we stop over 4a night to make it easier? or what is our best option as we are nervious about the flight times with a young child.

Thanks in advance for any input :)

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Can't help with cheapest flights. I'd check all the sites though. Emirates and Singapore airlines tend to come out well but depends on the route etc for you I'd guess.


We always fly through without an overnight. Going via Heathrow on a night flight and then a few hours on the ground at Changi airport in Singapore, grab a shower, let our son play in the play areas or take a dip in the swimming pool, relax and then get back on for the next leg leaving Singapore in their evening and land in Aus in the morning around 7am.


Loads of people fly with kids and tbh you know your child best. We like the night flight as it means less time having to contend with a young child awake and running round. Our son was 22 months and we put him in his sleep suit and sleeping bag as we were waiting to board, he conked out half an hour after take off, slept for 8.5 hours and then we had 4 hours or so till we landed in Singapore. Same again when leaving there :)


Singapore airlines or Qantas/BZ codeshare for us every time. Your child being under two you need to decide if you want them on your lap for the flight or buy them their own seat. We did one flight with son on our laps and it was hard work but we got through it. TBH you just deal with it and its 24 hours and done. My view anyways :)

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We went a few years ago with a 6 month old and an 18 month old, the 6 moth old had a basket type bed attached on the wall in front of us which gave us plenty of legroom and the 18 month old shared our laps but to be fair you will find you may want to walk around a bit so the child can have your seat while your off on one. we flew with quantas and the stewardesses took the youngest off us for a few hours for a woman coooing session. couldnt fault them they were great. Sorry cant help with the prices

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