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Everything posted by Monica33

  1. I do accept that I was the one who left and they had to do without me physically but I often wonder if any of them think that I was just one person in their lives but my decision has ultimately lost them all. I exhausted myself in the early years desperate to stay connected and with the time difference was getting up at 5 in the morning to call people before I went to work. I do not struggle with staying in touch with my brother who lives in Florida. We message and call each other all the time. It’s just a mystery to me.
  2. I do think this is the case with another relative who always tries to say how much he has and makes.
  3. Thank you! This has given me so much validation. I think they do think we’re on “holiday” sometimes
  4. This did make me chuckle because it’s so true.
  5. Has anyone had family and friends essentially forget about you after you leave the UK. Most of my family and friends do not want to engage with me much anymore. There’s no excuse these days to not keep in touch. I’ve been in Australia 17 years and it’s exhausting trying to maintain contact with people who don’t want to keep in touch. I have a trip back soon and trying to lock in a time with my childhood friends and even my sister is becoming impossible. They are all busy. My sister has even booked herself a 2 week Mediterranean holiday the same time I’m there. I’m only there for 4 weeks and her answer was I’ll see you at some point. We haven’t had a fall out or anything, I just think it’s maybe a case of out of sight out of mind. Anyone else with similar experiences. Or is it just me
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