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Everything posted by Roh

  1. Can you please help me, what should I do. I am really stressed. thank you
  2. Please help me what should I do? Can you please guide?
  3. I got 491 invitation from ACT matrix, ACT use there own point system and only need 65 EOI point for nomination. I mistakenly claim PY 5 points on EOI thinking i have to mention all PY I have done till invitation. My point on EOI was 90 points but i would have got invitation over 65 points for sure. I never know PY point can only be claimed if its for Nominated occupation. I would have never claimed this 5 point from PY if i was aware. I was totally unaware that I cant claim PY on Computing for pathology collector. I was just honest and wrote yes on questions if i have done py as I thought I should mention any PY done. even the question is so confusing it asked as “Has the Client completed a gazetted professional year in Australia in the last 48 months?” - I said Yes as I thought I must tell any PY I have done in this period. I got s56 saying to provide proof on how py is related to professional year. What should i do? It is just unintentional mistake and did not get that 5 point to be invited. In this case can case office reduce my point or reconsider? I saw somewhere case officer van consider inadvertent error. also, Called home affairs and they asked me to write a cover letter, but my concern is do COs have power to change points or offer anything?
  4. How much was the total point after removing over claim points?
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