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Alex March

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  1. Hi Marisa, thanks for your response. I work and have worked in account management only in the healthcare industry managing medical/sport clinics so I do feel there is relevance from my degree given I work for a healthcare review platform.
  2. Hello all! I am currently based in London but moving to Australia in the new year. My company have an office in Melbourne and would like to sponsor me for a couple of years so that I can work for them longer than the 6 months allowed within the 417 working holiday visa that I will enter Australia with. I am an Account Manager with 4+ years of work experience relevant to the occupation code (225211 ICT Account Manager) and have a bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science. I have been provided with a summary from an immigration lawyer that currently I am not eligible for sponsorship for visa 482 given that I don't supposedly have a relevant 'enough' bachelors degree and I find this relevancy part a bit of a grey area. Are there any alternative ways that my company might be able to sponsor me? Or perhaps someone has any advice that can help at all? Thank you greatly in advance.
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