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Posts posted by LFrance

  1. Yes you can apply for registration offshore. I checked this with WA teaching board. I believe the teacher registration is favourable in application but I am going to try and get a sponsored job to speed up process. 

    I’ve also had it confirmed from manager of recruitment at Department for Education in WA that the course with UoN is accepted by them as he had a colleague look in to it. This course was recommended to me by TRBWA. So you would hope with registration and support of DfE, AITSL would view the course and registration adequate. 

  2. Today, I have found a new document on AITSL’s website detailing the new criteria of Teacher Registration when applying for a skills assessment for teaching. 

    Having read through, I believe it suggests that Full/Provisional registration with a teaching board in Australia will benefit those who perhaps don’t fully meet the qualifications criteria (for example school direct with QTS/PGCE routes). It also suggests to me that those who secure employment with a school and have their registration will likely be successful in their assessment. 

    I’m just putting this on here to see if people agree with my understanding of this or perhaps have a different interpretation. It could be a huge step forward for those who have struggled to get that all important successful assessment.

    Please share and comment to let me know your thoughts. 

    I have a relative who is connect to the CEO of AITSL so I am also going to try and get further clarification and will update on here ASAP. 



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  3. On 08/08/2023 at 15:38, g_CS_teacher said:


    Thanks for your reply. I actually now thing I might have the answer to point 1. 482 dies not require a skills assessment. 

    It would still be helpful to understand more about point 2 for if I later wanted PR. The school in in NSW and are aware. They don’t seem to think it is an issue, being an independent school. 



    how are you getting on with this? Have you had to apply for a skills assessment with AITSL? I’m seeing on immi website that 482 requires skills assessment - not seen this before. Perhaps it’s new. 

    would love to hear how it’s all progressing. 


  4. 6 minutes ago, g_CS_teacher said:

    Absolutely. The school recruited based upon my experience and skillset, not what the state were able to accredit me to. They attempted to recruit locally first. That failed due to lack of teachers of the subject, so they had grounds to recruit from abroad. 

    From what I’ve read, I can obtain PR on 482 if I remain with the same employer for 3 years. 

    That is changing to 2 years by the end of the year. Great news!

  5. 5 minutes ago, g_CS_teacher said:


    Thanks for your reply. I actually now thing I might have the answer to point 1. 482 dies not require a skills assessment. 

    It would still be helpful to understand more about point 2 for if I later wanted PR. The school in in NSW and are aware. They don’t seem to think it is an issue, being an independent school. 


    I have just read the same and I have also found an article online saying that PR can be achieved for all subclass 482 visas. 

    https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=f0bf8add-87b7-41f3-8253-d7e8eae1724b#:~:text=Blog The Mobile Workforce&text=Australia's Department of Home Affairs,by the end of 2023.

    Did the school offer sponsorship or did you have to request it… did they know prior to interview etc?

  6. On 24/07/2023 at 17:24, g_CS_teacher said:

    Hi all,

    After some advice.

    I am a secondary school teacher of 7 years in the UK teaching Computer Science. I have recently been offered a job teaching at an independent school in NSW. They have offered to sponsor me.

    My route into teaching was a School Direct (SCITT) route, not a PGCE. It is equal to the PGCE in the UK, yet NESA have only granted me Conditional Accreditation as they do not recognise this qualification. They have still suggested that if I am sponsored, I can still teach for 6 years in NSW without further training.

    Two questions:

    1. Will I need an AITSL skills test to apply and be accepted for Visa 482 pathway, considering only being granted Conditional Accreditation?

    2. How likely will I be accepted onto AITSL skills test with my qualification? I did not receive a transcript, yet the university did write and sign a letter confirming the below:

    This was a salaried, school-based route. The course is run by a partnership between a lead school, other schools and an accredited teacher training provider (in this case, #university name#).

    #name# teaching practice was supervised by a member of the University's Faculty of Education and onsite mentor teachers.

    #name# completed the required 120 days on placement in supervised teaching practice, teaching pupils in Primary and Secondary school settings at the following schools:…

    Any experiences or insight would be hugely helpful!

    Thank you 😄


    unfortunately I am not able to assist with your query but I am interested regarding your situation and wondered if you could answer a couple of questions for me?

    1 - did you apply for the job without being registered with the teacher board first? 
    2 - were the employer aware of your skills potentially not meeting the criteria for provisional registration when offering the post? Was the offer made subject to this condition being met?

    3 - is the school in a regional area?

    4 - did the school offer sponsorship or did you have to request it?

    I am looking to migrate myself and wonder if a sponsored route is best.  

    thank you for any info you can provide. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, benj1980 said:

    It's now the preferred training route in the UK! Due to the additional invaluable classroom experience, instead of having the afternoon off from lectures you are still in a school environment.

    @rammygirl is right, a review has been completed and there's many changes due to happen at university level, we were getting graduates with little knowledge of differentiation, explicit instruction etc. However, they could all tell you their learning style through VARK... 

    In terms of an application to AITSL it is hard to say whether it would be accepted, it sounds promising but absolutely no guarantees.

    Thanks Ben. I will be keeping an eye out for any updates. Given I can still teach temporarily on a working-holiday visa, I think I will go ahead with the course and review my visa options at a later date. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, rammygirl said:

    Beware top up qualifications as any experience will only be counted after qualification. If you need experience for points or visa this could be an issue.

    Interestingly Australian teacher training is being reviewed as it isn’t adequately preparing teachers for the classroom…..


    and that doesn’t surprise me… I think a school centred route is the ideal training 

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  9. 7 hours ago, benj1980 said:

    Hi @LFrance normally the recommendation would be to simply speak to a registered agent, however I haven't found one that knew much about the routes into teaching and AITSL's requirements. That said I have stopped looking for them as well, so they may well be up to date with the challenges that you have.

    School Direct is another version of the SCITT that I completed, the fee paying version. The salaried version is actually like Teach Australia. AITSL does not like these type of programs despite having Teach Australia. Go figure. SCITTs now cover 55% of new entrants into teaching, so I have raised this with my local Federal MP who was surprised that so many potential teachers seem to be ineligible. Anyway I am waiting to hear back, this case has been escalated I believe to AITSL and various ministers. Watch this space...

    What can you do? Well, I came to Australia via a SCITT and I am not the only one, however we seem to be in the minority. AITSL had no interest in transcripts from my training provider, but were keen for information from the University that moderated and validated my PGCE. I was able to provide an academic transcript from the university confirming the modules I completed with credits and the amount of prac experience in terms of days through a letter. This was deemed appropriate. I had an academic transcript from my SCITT and was rejected initially by AITSL. You say you have an academic transcript, make sure it is from the University!

    Thanks for this Ben. Let’s hope something can be done because it’s just outrageous that these courses are not recognised. It should be about the individual themselves and not what a piece of paper says. 

    if I complete the PGCE top up course I will have a PGCE Cert and transcript from a University and my supervised practice letter is from a University also but is based on my practice observed on my SCITT. The PGCE top up does not include the supervised practice. Do you think AITSL will reject this as it’s from the SCITT part of my quals?

  10. 2 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

    That's encouraging. That means that IF you can get a visa to migrate to WA, you should be able to get registered.  The difficulty might lie in getting the visa.  

    Just to clarify, the skills assessment is for the visa application.  It's just for the visa, nothing more.  It has nothing to do with whether you're allowed to teach in WA.  For that, you need teacher registration, and that's done by the TRBWA.  The TRBWA doesn't get involved at all, until after you've got the visa. So them saying it's recognised, doesn't mean AITSL will take the same attitude.

    @benj1980 is a teacher in WA who's been actively involved in the whole issue of recognising PGCE qualifications.  I've tagged him so hopefully he'll drop in with some info.

    Thanks - it is the visa that is the barrier. I have been told by TRBWA that they recognise this course and am 99% sure I’d be registered to teach no problem… it’s getting the positive skills assessment that I feel will be the issue, unless someone comes forward that has used this course before & succeeded. 

  11. Has anyone ever been successful with an AITSL skills assessment having completed the Northampton PGCE top up course? TRBWA have recommended the course and said they recognise it but AITSL have information on their website that they often do not accept Top Up courses for PGCE as the initial teacher training completed is not a recognised programme. 
    I have QTS gained via school direct. I have academic transcript of the course as well as a letter from the university stating that I did 120 days placement of supervised teaching practice. Any help is appreciated as I need to know whether to go ahead with this course. 

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