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Everything posted by sophie3527

  1. Thank you that’s really useful to know!
  2. Thank you! Yes I have a degree in French and Italian, so can teach either/both of these along with Spanish which I teach in the UK too
  3. Thank you very much for the advice! This is all really helpful to know and reassures us as we were thinking he might have to re-train completely. 189 sounds like the best option, thank you - I teach languages which I think I read as being one of the shortage/high demand subjects in WA. This may be a really silly question but once your visa is granted, how long do you have to move over? Do you have to enter Australia permanently by a certain date or is it left ‘open’?
  4. Thank you so much both for your help! & congratulations on your invite to apply, that’s great news.
  5. Hi everyone I was wondering whether it would be possible to please have some advice on our situation. My husband and I are both secondary school teachers (aged 30-33) currently living in London, I have 8 years experience and have been a pastoral lead for 5 years; my husband is an Assistant Headteacher with nearly 10 years experience. We are looking to make the move to Australia and are currently in the research stage - particularly interested in Perth as we have family there. We just had some questions regarding getting registered as a teacher and working in Aus: -I qualified with a PGCE and would be the main applicant, with my husband being the secondary applicant. We are looking at 189 or 190 visa and currently score 90 points. Would you suggest going for 190 and put WA as nominated state as we know we would definitely like to settle in Perth or does it not make much difference regarding the likelihood of being invited to apply? -Despite my husband having more work experience than me, he does not have a PGCE as he gained QTS through salaried teacher training. We have done some research and seen that this is not adequate to register as a teacher in Aus. We have found a PGCE top up course in the U.K. which is 1 year part time that converts QTS into PGCE award. Are there any teachers that have made the move who had a similar situation and would this be regarded as suitable qualification? He had over the 45 hours of supervised teaching during his training year, could we combine this with the PGCE top up or would he need to do a qualification in Australia? As mentioned he is an assistant headteacher and also trained PGCE students in the past. Thank you so much in advance for all of your help!
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