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Everything posted by Lara40

  1. Hi all can anyone advise on what it’s like working as a mental health nurse in WA in particular in relation to the below: work life balance? What it’s like to work in the community/caseloads and work demand etc? Any home working allowed? Annual leave as an SRN level 3 coming in as a British person?
  2. Thanks everyone. I have just submitted for my APHRA but not heard anything yet. Would you advise moving over there first and looking once I am there? My husband will have his sponsorship so I could start to apply for work once we are there and settled. What’s peoples thoughts?
  3. Hi all. My husband is going for a 482 visa and I’ll be going as his spouse. He is a DR and has a sponsorship. We are hoping to move out to WA next year from the UK and are really excited and grateful to be able to take this opportunity. I am a mental health nurse and wondered if I will be able to find work once out there on the visa as my husbands spouse? Or does Australia just want people on a 189/PR visa? The visa will be under him as the main person but I’ll obviously be moving out with him to and will want to work as a nurse. I would hate not to be able to find work. I love my job and trained and worked in UK as a nurse for years now. I can’t see myself wanting to do anything else. Would it be better for me to try and secure a job before we move? Or should I wait until we see there? Can anyone recommend any mental health nursing job recruitment agencies? Does anyone have any recommendations whether inpatient work or community mental health is better?
  4. Hi all. Hoping to move over to WA on a 189 and work as a community mental health nurse. Can anyone advise me what working as a mental health nurse is like in OZ especially as a community nurse? Is it flexible and can you do some home working around visits? How big are the case loads? Work/life balance etc.
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