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Steffy frank

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Posts posted by Steffy frank

  1. 41 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

    When you say you were an idiot to use an immigration company, who are you using?   If they're a MARA registered agent then it probably wasn't silly at all, especially in the current situation. 

    Anyway, you asked about your pets.  To be honest, the question is so far in the future, it's hardly worth worrying about right now.  If you're going for a 491 or 190 or 189 visa, you've got at least another year before you're going anywhere.  Probably much longer, because there's such a huge backlog of people who applied during the Covid shutdown.

    However, I really don't see why you wouldn't just move the pets with you when you eventually go.

    If you're going on a 482 visa then I'd honestly be thinking twice, because bringing pets for a short-term stay is a very expensive option.

    Thank you for your reply @Marisawright!

    Yes, they are MARA registered ( my OH brother used them when they moved to OZ almost 4 years ago) just normally when I say we are using an agent then people tell me about how much of a waste of money it is and how you can do it all by yourself. Which I agree you can but I had no idea where to start and what to do so for us an agent was the best option. So basically I was just anticipating the comments I thought would come 😄

     The 189 visa, we are just wanting to be there already if I am honest 😄 

     It's the whole moving them with us then what if we struggle to find accommodation that allows pets / struggle for work etc? We already know it's going to be stressful anyway so we were thinking of ways to minimise the stress as much as possible. If it was down to me i would fly he pets the same time as us and be happy with having their quarantine to settle me and my partner before the pets are released but my partner is very pessimistic so its just trying to find the balance that we can both live with. 

    Thanks 😄    

  2. So I am part way through my application (yes I was an idiot and used a immigration company) we are just waiting for my partners skills assessment to go through (he is a tradie). 

    We did have my sister lined up to look after our dog and two cats for a maximum for 6 months why we got set up (when we eventually get there) but now she is pregnant and doesn't want the animals in her house, she was only helping because I made her feel guilty about how many times I helped her out when her dog was poorly with numerous lifts to the vet and looking after him when she was at work. Our other family members can't/won't help, at all, and now I'm panicking because bringing them with us when we go is not possible, we need time to get set up before they come over. 

    Has anyone used a fostering agency for animals to bridge the gap? Did you use someone else? How did it go? How stressful was it for your animals?

    It's getting to the point where I'm actually debating rehoming them now so that I know they are settled before we leave (for context here I have no children and these animals are that replacement for me), do we not move to because i can not find anyone to help? Do I split them up with other people and pray they all stick to the vets appointments etc?

    Not looking for a 'this is what you should do' response but looking for a little advice, if anyone has any 🙂


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