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Posts posted by Hudsonsmumxx

  1. 14 hours ago, Bobj said:

    I have always said that if you look forward, you will see the bad spots, but if you keep on turning your head, you will surely fall into one, or two of them. I find it so very sad that people are pessimistic on approaching a new life. They should be full of energy and enthusiasm, but then, I am an old bloke who has had a fabulous life, looking for adventure rather than being a sad sack and moaning in my morning latte.

    BTW,  I always thought of Perth as a good place, but apparently I am completely wrong according to some ne’er say wells on this fine forum.

    Ahh, Perth, the City Of Light. How true that phrase is.

    I’ll gerroff my soapbox now…

    Cheers, Bobj.


    Thank you 🥰🥰

    • Like 1
  2. On 13/04/2022 at 18:01, newjez said:

    I've done 45 degrees in Perth Marisa. Perth gets pretty damn hot. Not as hot as the north, but a lot hotter than the eastern states, and I did live in Sydney for five years.

    Thank you , That’s so kind of you to reply. Totally understand what you mean x 


    tough when trying to do the right thing for your kids - just want him to live the happiest life 

    • Like 1
  3. Thank you good idea ! We’ve decided not to go for Pilbara now due to the heat. My partner got an email from a scaffolding company that they might potentially sponsor him (fingers crossed) 

    not sure where yet. Either Melbourne or Perth 

    what do you suggest ? We are a young family  

    • Like 3
  4. 5 hours ago, Blue Flu said:

    I guess nothing prepares one for the extreme Pilbara temperature. I can only relate it to standing by a large hot fire on a super hot day. It is lung busting, hard to breathe hot. I expect the coast may be better (I worked inland) and many seem to like Karratha these days. 

    Not sure why you bring stabbings in London up. It is usually gang related . Just how many innocents have been stabbed I wonder ? Although aware it is given a lot of media space. 

    But don't deny there are not crime issues in London. How could there not be in a city so big and diverse? I've been broken into five times over a decade and a bit and not living in especially bad areas but Perth is something else. I mean not in your face violence , unless a gathering like NYE or Australia Day of past. It doesn't mean violence is under the radar. Drugs are a very big part of life in Perth. Few people I know will admit it to being any different. (a forum as this seems an exception) We have a major world methamphetamine issue that just gets bigger. I can throw light on a lot about that. But we have had several very serious assaults together with a few stabbings over a relative short period. There are many issues of conflict that can impact on kids. 

    Nowhere is perfect of course. Just good to have at least an angle on the bigger picture from another perspective. 

    A lot of innocent kids are robbed and stabbed daily in London , not sure when you were last here but it’s not England anymore. I loved my country but if it’s taking me to want to move 24 hours away then it’s bad believe me & I live in a expensive part in south east / Kent. Even here is getting bad. Totally get what you mean by gangs but it’s not just that. 

    thanks a lot for your response. Take care x 

    • Like 1
  5. Hey! I know this post was many years ago but it’s worth a shot ...

    My partner is also a very good scaffolder that has 8 years experience in London  & Kent. 

    Do you guys know anyone that sponsors scaffolders?  we are desperate to take our 3 year old to live in Australia xxx 

  6. Oh wow ! That is hot haha all my family live in Perth so I’ve been in hot weather a lot but don’t fancy being somewhere that gets up to 50 degrees 😕 

    tbh I would go anywhere in Australia if it helped me give my boy a better upbringing than the teenage stabbing we encounter in London. My partners dad is seeing a migration officer this week so we’ll see what we can do. I just know this region is crying out for scaffolders and my mother in law works in a high up job in the mines and knows of this getting residency once sponsored for two years if you live in this particular place ( I’m just going by what I’ve been told ) I know it won’t be an easy journey but just wanted some feedback. 


    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Jon the Hat said:

    My company has people up there, and generally people consider Karratha to be a town where you can live safely and comfortably with a family.  Port Hedland is a bit rougher I believe.

    Thank you Jon 🥰

  8. 16 hours ago, Skani said:

    "The Pilbara"  is a huge region about twice the size of the UK.    If you do a search for a couple of the major towns there you should get a better idea of the townships and amenities.  Try Karratha and Port Hedland which are probably the largest (although only about 20,000 population each).

    Thanks a lot 🥰

  9. 16 hours ago, Marisawright said:

    I worked for a recruitment firm that had offices up there and the staff were always terrified they'd get posted there.  However they were usually young singles so it may be better for a family.  The main problem is the stinking heat.  Unless you've been in the tropics before, it's unlikely you've ever experienced anything remotely like it.

    Not sure how you'd get your residency after 2 years though.  I assume you're talking about going on a 482 temp visa and then applying when eligible.   Do be aware that it's very far from guaranteed that you'll get residency at the end.  People talk about a "transition", but all it means is that you're eligible to apply for PR.  You can still get rejected.

    It used to be easier and more predictable on the old temp visa (the 457) which is possibly what you've heard stories about. 

    Thank you for this info 🥰

  10. 16 hours ago, Marisawright said:

    I worked for a recruitment firm that had offices up there and the staff were always terrified they'd get posted there.  However they were usually young singles so it may be better for a family.  The main problem is the stinking heat.  Unless you've been in the tropics before, it's unlikely you've ever experienced anything remotely like it.

    Not sure how you'd get your residency after 2 years though.  I assume you're talking about going on a 482 temp visa and then applying when eligible.   Do be aware that it's very far from guaranteed that you'll get residency at the end.  People talk about a "transition", but all it means is that you're eligible to apply for PR.  You can still get rejected.

    It used to be easier and more predictable on the old temp visa (the 457) which is possibly what you've heard stories about. 

    Thank you x

  11. 1 hour ago, VERYSTORMY said:

    I hav worked across Australia's mining regions and would be pretty hesitant in recommending it to someone who has not visited. 

    The heat alone is extreme up there. 

    Oh wow I’ve read that ! Maybe it’s a no then. Thanks 

  12. 11 hours ago, Bobj said:

    G'day, young lady, I lived in the Pilbara for a few years when it was a 'fledgling' region. Indeed, when I first went there, Karratha was only a sheep/cattle station. It is now the admin centre of the region and has exhorbitant costs for accommodation. PortHedland was a sleepy, 2 pub town but now is a huge iron ore port.

    Much as I loved the region, I would be very hesitant to recommend it to a young family straight out of the UK. It can be done, though, if one has that certain attitude to heat, dust, flies and the redness of it all.

    If you are determined to do it, I recommend Dampier to all the other towns that have sprung up 'overnight'. It has a sea breeze and views that make it liveable. And yes, I have lived in most towns except for Newman and Goldsworthy, building railroads and roads.

    I wish you well.

    Cheers, Bobj.

    Thank you so much for your reply I really appreciated this xx 

  13. Hello everyone! 🙂 

    hope you can help! 
    My Father in law lives in Perth Ans his partner works in the mines and knows families who have immigrated to Pilbara for 2 years to get their residency. My partner is a scaffolder and that is classed as a skill in that region. 

    I just wondered if anybody has done that and if you have any pictures or can explain what is there and what the accommodation is like living there with family ( I have a 3 year old toddler) I don’t mind being secluded for 2 years - sounds kind of exciting for me coming from London tbh. 

    Any help would be so appreciated as I can’t find much online !! 

    thanks xx

  14. Hey everyone! I’m really hoping somebody can give me some advice please ?

    Me & my little family have always wanted to move to Perth, we both have family there and it’s a dream to leave London behind. 

    I have 6 years Recruitment experience but not worked in 5 years due to traveling Asia and having a 3 year old to look after. My partner is a Scaffolder of 10 years  but that’s not on the skills list unfortunately :( my partners Dad has lived there for 10 years but I think even on the family Visa you still have to have a skill ? Is that right ?

    With regards to the partner visa, would marriage and having a child be enough proof for them ?

    He was about to pay so much money to do a plumbing course just to get us a foot in the door but you have to have 4 years experience in that trade  I read. 

    i feel so lost and just want the best upbringing for my boy. London scares me so much now and I would do anything to live like an Australian. Just want to see some happy faces!! 

    Thank you x 


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