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Posts posted by KRITASH

  1. Dear All, 

    Just have a query for migration agents !!!!

    Would the below regulation be applicable for 186 Direct Entry? 


    Skilled occupation in Australia

                       In determining whether an applicant satisfies a criterion that the applicant has been employed in a skilled occupation for a certain period, a period of employment in Australia must not be counted unless the applicant:

                         (a)  held:

                                  (i)  a substantive visa; or

                                 (ii)  a Subclass 010 Bridging A visa; or

                                (iii)  a Subclass 020 Bridging B visa;

                                authorising him or her to work during that period; and

                         (b)  complied with the conditions of that visa.

    Really appreciate your answers !!!!

  2. Dear All, 

    I hope you are well. 

    Looking for some expert advice here !!!!

    During strict covid restrictions movement, I was only working 27 to 32 hours per week, Would they consider it as a full time experience? I know there has been concession for 186TRT, would the CO show some leniency towards DE as well? would really appreciate any thoughts on this? 

    And if not, How would they calculate this on PRO-RATA basis? 

    Thank you for your help !!!! 

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