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Everything posted by Catrionaoconn

  1. Hi Everyone, thank you all SO much for this information, it has helped loads. Yeah I totally agree it will be a LONG time before the borders will open again but I guess the best option may be to apply for a Skilled visa and try get some sponsorship in an aged care facility which I’ve heard are always struggling to recruit enough nurses. I spoke to a migration agent this evening also who I would really recommend it was Leanne Stevenson at Emergico , she was lovely to talk and explained things so well. She also said that it may be easier to apply to non regional areas in Australia for jobs. thanks again
  2. Hi All, i am new to this forum but I wondered if anyone could offer some advise on my situation, I am a nurse in Ireland looking to immigrate to Australia and I would like to try get the skilled visa 189/190 , I have made an appointment with migration agent also. How do I go about booking an English test? And is there a specific one for nurses? I have started the AHPRA process but it will take a few months to be processed. Has anyone any idea how long these applications are currently taking? Also, on a separate note , does anyone know if working holiday visas are still being accepted? I guess what I am trying to ask is what is the best/easiest way to get to Australia? Obviously, in the current pandemic situation leaving Ireland and immigrating is going to be difficult but as things in Australia seem to be improving day by day and fingers crossed it stays that way, is it worth applying for a working holiday visa? And then focusing on getting the skilled visa when I get to Australia. I am so sorry if I have confused anyone, I am just very unsure myself on what is best to do. catriona
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