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Posts posted by StevenP

  1. 14 hours ago, Tulip1 said:

    I think from age 5 they do something called pre primary which is probably like the UK reception class.  I think the pre primary is free, just not anything before that.  Hopefully someone will come along to confirm that.  It probably catches many off guard as kids in the UK start school at four and a half.  

    Interesting it is funny because when I look online it is rather limited on this kind of information. Saying that I might be looking in the wrong place. My daughter will be nearer 4 when we move over so will just have to stomach the child care costs until such time. 

  2. I am moving to WA after our 189 visa grant and something that has caught me out is that kids don't start school until they are 6. What was a bit of a shock and I might be wrong is that you need to pay for Kinde until they are at School. Looks like is can be subsidised based on income but was not expecting that in the early stage of moving. Much different in Scotland where kids start school around 4 - 5 years old. 

  3. Amazing Rob! we are just a little bit behind you as we plan to activate our visa in November when we come over for 3 weeks on a fact finding mission. We are staying in Edgewater. Looking to permanently relocate to Tapping or Ellenbrook depending on what are we prefer and houses prices etc... It would be amazing to hear your journey. My wife is a mental health nurse and I work in Aviation as a safety manager so will be trying to meet potential employers in November. Our expected move date in June/July 2025 or less the right job comes up sooner. I share your excitement and good luck 🙂.

  4. 3 hours ago, bluequay said:

    You don't need a $100K to open a HSBC Australian account from the UK, you can do it with $1. They are happy with a UK address and even send your debit card to that address. It takes about 3 days to open the account and 14 days for the debit card to arrive.

    Can you kindly send me a link as i must be looking in the wrong location. 

  5. Thanks guys! I thought it would be more difficult than I first thought. Would it be easy if I can for a holiday and set one up to activate my visa without a permanent address? 

    I do know people in Perth but not well enough to use their address to for setting one up. 

  6. Just now, Dancha85 said:

    Yes I think so? 

    I might be wrong but you are going to be lucky to submit a EOI get everything together and get a grant in that period of time. I sent you a PM but you are going to need Skills assessments, English test (If you need the points), Police Checks, Medicals, references etc... 

  7. Maybe been asked before so apologies if this is the case. I have my 189 Grant and wanted to set up a bank account before coming over in November. Looking online HSBC appear to offer this if you deposit $100k. I don't want to do that just set something up offshore so when I arrive I have a bank account and can look at houses, cars etc.... How can you do this without an address? Or do I need to pitch up at a branch when I am over and do it that way? 2024 I am hoping it is more simple than this!


  8. 4 minutes ago, Dancha85 said:


    Great thank you, I will look at getting a migration expert.


    in terms of visas at the moment I only know what I’ve seen on here. Most teachers saying they went on a 190 and then offered a 189?

    Are you talking about going this Christmas? 

  9. First thing is first I guess get a good migration expert. What visa are you looking at as our process was about 18 months before it was granted for the 189. 

    If you are looking into sponsorship that might be different but limiting if you want to move employer etc or get asked to leave. I did consider this but big move if your employer or you decide it is not for you. You will be scrambling around looking for someone to sponsor you or leave Australia. 

    Paul Hand was our migration expert and was great he helped from day one. 


  10. We woke up this morning to some great news from our wonderful migration expert Paul Hand that our 189 visa has been granted. It is a bit of a weight off the shoulders. We are not looking to move for a few months but at least now we know that our dream is reality. I hope a few others have been granted also over the last few days? 


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  11. 7 hours ago, can1983 said:

    I wouldn't put your life on hold waiting for an email. I would just get on with life do what you want to do in the UK and maybe one day an opportunity will present itself. You can decide then what to do.

    That is easier said than done you don't want to take on new cars, mortgage renewals, house moves etc... if you intend to move and are awaiting on that email. You still need to live your life but the big decisions can be complex. 

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  12. On 10/02/2024 at 11:05, KenPothen said:

    Still waiting

    We got our 189 EOI in December and have submitted just waiting on medicals on the 19th. I don’t expect an invite for at least 7 months from what I have read but could be longer. Fortunately for us we have no intention of moving until June/July 2025. 

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  13. I am no expert so would point you towards Paul Hand who is supporting me in my application. The government website has a points calculator and also tells you how many points you require to be considered. You would need to look at this and then see if your skills and education meet the requirements and that the role is on the skill shortage list (SOL). 

    I have not heard of them reducing the age to 35 so maybe someone can answer that. 

    Points calculator (homeaffairs.gov.au) 

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  14. We are in a similar situation we lodged our 189 and 491 visa on the 10th of August with the help of Paul Hand. My wife is the primary candidate with 80 points as a mental health nurse. I was hoping that we would have seen another round of invites but seems very quiet with no real indication of one. 

    guess they are just catching up on all the invites they released in December 2022 but some indication would be good. 

    patience is key in this process I guess but it doesn’t stop me opening my emails daily with a level of anticipation. 

    Good luck if I hear anything I will let you know.

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  15. 12 hours ago, Marisawright said:

    The pitfall with the 491 is that it's just a temporary visa.   Unlike employer-sponsored visas, IF you meet the criteria (minimum salary and residency) you are guaranteed to get PR at the end, but otherwise it has the same pitfalls as a temporary visa.  For instance, if you want to buy property you will have to get permission from FIRB (for a fee) and then pay a hefty surcharge on the purchase (about $45,000 on a $500,000 property).  There may be school fees to pay, depending on the state.  I'm not sure about tax implications.

    Let's hope the biggest pitfall never happens again:   during the pandemic, when Australia's borders were closed, permanent residents were allowed in.   Temporary residents were not, and that meant hundreds of 491 holders, most of whom had their entire life -- home and job and family members --  in Australia, were stranded overseas for the duration.  Not likely to happen again but it highlighted that the 491 really is just a temporary visa, whereas once upon a time, we all thought it was in a special "provisional" category.  

    I hope my 189 visa comes in first then as we want to buy and that will limit our options. 

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