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Posts posted by SimontoOz

  1. I understand why you ask, with the current situation (COVID) i feel it doesnt hurt to consider the impact on job availability/security and whether the risk is too great currently. Turning down an ITA would be the last resort (and extremly unlikely) but I couldn't find anything online as to what happens if I don't follow up on the ITA.

  2. Hi,

    As the title says, what happens if I receive an ITA for a 491 visa and decide now is not the right time to apply? Does my EOI get deleted and if further down the line I want to try again do I need to submit another EOI? If it doesn't get deleted is there a time period I have to wait before a 2nd ITA can be issued and is there a limit on how many times I can say I don't want to lodge an ITA?



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