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Everything posted by Anita85

  1. I'm currently going through this now. I have been working with dogtainers for 7 weeks. We hope to fly on 19th oct but still cannot get confirmation. It's really frustrating but there is a backlog at Heathrow animal airport check in and lots of airlines not taking pets. I won't book my ticket until I know the pets are definitely going which is stressful because flight options are becoming limited now and going up. But I'm scared to buy a ticket, leave and find out my pets are still in aus I have an exemption, I applied and it was granted in less then 24 hours. Pets have rabies, need to be done at least a month before. If you're shooting for November get onto a pet company now because I've been trying to book for 7 weeks. I'm totally flexible, can leave at any point, basically waiting for the green light and it's still hard.
  2. Thank you it is a permanent move. Im thinking I should put in an application with documents and just see what happens. Appreciate your reply
  3. Hello I'm moving back to UK hopefully on 19th Oct. I cannot book anything yet as I'm taking my pets and carriers will not book them until 2/3 weeks out. I'm using dogtainers who are overseeing the process for me My question is on exemptions. I'm a UK citizen moving home. I have read that I don't need an exemption as I'm citizen, but it does mention that Aus residents do (and I am) Has anyone recently left aus and applied for exemption? I'm finding it hard to get the right info and I can't apply without my flight date. It's a mess
  4. Hi thanks for the Info I'm hoping travel in the next 3.5 weeks, I can't book anything yet as I'm flying with pets and carriers won't book them until 3 weeks out (I'm using dogtainers). I'm moving back home My question is regarding the exemption, does everyone need one to fly? Even if you are citizen in another country? If so, what was your exemption please
  5. Ok so they tell you what's available and you just have to work around it? I've been trying to understand how all that works. Thanks you
  6. Wow thank you. Certainly is the worst time to be tryin to make this move. Which Companies have you tried? Im finding it hard to even get a call back, they must be so short staffed. This was one thing I wasn't sure of- who books the flight etc me or the pet company It sounds like this is going to be a right mission..I will keep you posted if I get anywhere
  7. Looking to fly 40kg lab and 5kg cat from Brisbane to London Looked at dogtainers and jet pets- both have some really scary reviews! Anyone had a good experience to help guide me please?
  8. Thanks home and happy. I think you're right about the soul searching. I have a lot of ties here, relationship, pets and a business. To up and leave will be so hard. I'm feeling really stuck, but deep down I know my gut.
  9. So helpful thank you. I've been so confused googling services. This is really helpful, I appreciate it
  10. Thank you, I know it's going to be a while. That's making it worse. I don't know where to start with the therapy/ councillor/ psychiatrist stuff- is it all the same service? I had an appointment booked but I'm not sure it's the right place. If anyone has experience with this please let me know. There are alot of options out there. Thank you
  11. This is so true. I've had an awakening for sure... Just wish it hadn't of spurred on my homesickness. But grateful for the overhaul to my work-life balance
  12. Thank you, those questions surely have got the brain ticking over. I appreciate it. You're right, another UK Location could be good. I'm not sure I could go back to my home town forever. I have half my family now moved and living in London so this is a possibility. The messes I get myself into Thanks again
  13. The way you she described the anxiety's around Working and COVID and that sense of is it all worth it- is exactly how I feel. My main reason for being here - the good life, earning well- has been tipped on its head. I too have spoken to people who are changing the way they work and live. I wonder if it's a phase... Or if my goals have changed I can get my citizenship in a couple of months so will get this just in case I've learnt over time that I can be impulsive. So I'm trying to really ride this one out. Its been four months of constant back and forth. Perhaps when the boarders open and I can have a visit that will help guide me I feel lost knowing where I belong too. The thought of leaving either country is overwhelming. I hope you and your new man and come to Aus and you finally feel settled. I too love the outdoors life. I wonder if I loved back to the UK if I'd crave that too. Thank you for the pet advice also
  14. Thank you so much. I will be able to get citizenship in a couple of months, so will definitely get so I have the option to move back. For me now it feels like a waiting game. When everything returns to normal, travel wise I will take an extended trip to UK to try and work out my feelings. I'm wondering if this is an age thing too. When I moved here it was all about adventure, travel, fun. Now I'm almost a decade in I just miss my roots. I never thought I would feel this way. Thanks again for your comment
  15. All my family are in the UK, except for a really close friend who moved here with with. I am experiencing anxiety, like you, that I have never felt before. It's torturous. I definitely feel trapped and Covid-19 taking away my travel options might be the reason why. I got shut down and was off work for over two Months, that's when I began to analyze what's important. I moved here for the lifestyle and better work option. But once that was all taken away due to lockdown I began to question if that's truly what's important in life. What were the reasons for you leaving aus? And now you want to return? This also scares me. I know the UK is not perfect. I sometimes feel like I will feel unsettled wherever I go My relationship has not be the best recently and I also wonder if that's being a trigger for wanting to go home My biggest worry, which only pet owners will understand is how to deal with that if you do have a break up? We share a dog and 3 cats and love them like kids. I could never leave them, or take them. That's adding to my trapped feeling. Thanks for your reply x
  16. I have struggled with homesickness in bouts over the years, but covid-19 seems to have triggered something in me and I'm desperately homesick. I feel trapped as I'm in a relationship here, with pets and a great job. Why am I considering leaving all this now? I'm booked to see a counselor. Just wondered if anyone else has suddenly had a change of heart like me ?
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