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Everything posted by BeaRose

  1. Ah fair enough, I didn't know anyone could think they could move country and work without a visa! Thank you for the heads up
  2. Yes... not sure what about my post gave you the impression that I didn't think we'd need visas?
  3. Hi Gaia, Thanks for all this info, it is super helpful! We'd be moving from Canada actually but I'm Irish and my husband is British I was trying to think what 'elementary' would be in Aus! I think, as you rightly point out, it would all hinge around my husband's place of work. (I'm a stay at home parent) We are actually wondering if he'll be able to find a role where he'd work full- or part-time from home. We shall see! Thanks for all your help!
  4. Hi there, I'm new to this forum so apologies if there are other threads where this has already been covered. I had a quick hunt around but couldn't find the info I was looking for. My husband and I plus our 18-month-old son are considering spending a year or so on the Sunshine Coast. I am wondering if anyone could recommend areas that would meet the following crietria: close to beach and other spaces for outdoorsy activities; close enough to commute into Brisbane CBD for work / to Nundah where my brother lives; not overrun with tourists; close to or in a friendly town / community (with local libraries, activities for young children, decent restaurants and cafes where they wouldn't side eye you if you asked if they served something gluten free or vegan for instance..!); good public schools (kindergarten / elementary), Any suggestions much appreciated!
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