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457 to 189

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Posts posted by 457 to 189

  1. Hi all!

    Got my approval notice today! Needless to say am very pleased that it was processed relatively quickly. I took some comfort from reviewing the timelines of other applicants on this site so thought I'd do my part and add mine as well:


    Application submitted: 29 June 2021 (sorry I don't have details around the nomination as that was handled wholly by my employer and I had no access to those timelines)

    Medical: 2 July 2021 (I had initially been allocated a date close to the end of August but kept refreshing the BUPA site until I got an earlier appointment - a tip I got from a poster on this forum!)

    Grant date: 10 August 2021


    It's a massive weight off my shoulders as I always knew my PR process would be complicated (due to me having a criminal record (DUI) for a mistake I stupidly made when I was younger). Thankfully it didn't complicate matters and I can now look forward to life in this great country. To those waiting, I hope you hear some good news soon and I wish you all the best. I understand the stress involved in this process and hope you get the news you are waiting for ASAP.


    And finally, thanks to everyone who interacted with my questions over the years. 

    • Like 1
    • Congratulations 1
  2. Hey @Durgaji, firstly congratulations on your approval! Secondly, you did not have to serve three years at your current place of employment to get sponsored? 

    I am currently in a very similar situation and have worked for the same employer for two and a half years. I would like to apply now if possible but have always thought that I would need to wait until the 3 year mark.


  3. Another point for a bit of additional context, the reason why I would rather not go down the route of an employer sponsored PR (the 186) is because of the 2 year contract. My understanding is that neither me or my employer is held to this agreement but the intention at the onset of the agreement must be that I am willing to continue my employment for the length of the contract (or at least have the intention to do so). Unfortunately, I have no intention of doing this and don't want to start my relationship with the immigration department on this footing. Would much rather be 100% forthright in my initial application and be free to make choices independent of this requirement.  

    Considering the above, I think I am leaning to toward possibly applying for the 190 in January once I have three years of relevant Australian employment. With the 5 point state nomination, I should have 95 points. If I apply for the 189, it'll be 90 points (also in January) and that does not look like it will be enough.

    Would 95 points for a 190 be enough? Do understand that there will be point movements over the next few months and it is not possible to say for sure but just looking for rough likelihood so I can plan ahead. If not enough, will likely bite the bullet and go through my employer with the 186. 

  4. Hi all - am new to the forum and hoping to get some advice. 

    I am currently on a 4 year 457 visa that is due to expire in December 2021 and am keen to apply for a more permanent visa (189). Below are a few of my options and it would be great if you guys could recommend the route that would most likely lead to a successful application:

    Option 1

    Wait until January 2021 and get three years of relevant skilled employment in Australia which should take me to 95 points (assuming I can also score the maximum amount on the English test)

    Option 2

    Apply now on potentially 90 points

    Option 3

    Wait until January 2021 and go through the firm I am currently working for. They have a minimum 3 year requirement and I would only meet that in January next year.

    Also, in terms of agents - are there any agents who will just perform a review of your submission? I am pretty comfortable collating the information and pulling the application together but would be keen for an agent to cast their eye over it before hitting send.

    One last thing, I have a DUI on my record that has been previously declared and known at the time of my 457 request and subsequent approval. I understand that there will be additional paperwork required for this and hence why I would like to engage an agent with the process. 



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