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Posts posted by Sunseeker20

  1. Hello everyone  👋🏻

    I thought it was time to introduce myself.  I’ve been peeping in as a guest for a while, knowing others are having to tolerate the same horrid wait has been a godsend in keeping me sane.

    I am Australian by birth but been living in the UK for a loooooonnng time (I’m a dual National now).  British husband, married 16 years, 2 kids both dual nationals.  I always thought we’d be able to move down under whenever we wanted and when we finally made the decision to go we’re gobsmacked at the wait.  Hubbie applied 1st April (no agent), front loaded police checks and medical a few weeks after.  Literally have heard nothing.

    We are thinking of Tasmania, would love to hear from anyone else considering moving there.

    Meanwhile congrats to those with their visa success and fingers crossed for everyone else.



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