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Posts posted by RoundInCircles

  1. Hi Everyone 🙂 

    Just a quick question, please...

    On arrival in the UK, is there an expectation/requirement that we must be in possession of  "x" amount of money?  (Just a reminder for you...I am returning to the UK to live and have both an Australian and UK passport)...

    Thank you in advance and kind regards...

  2. 4 hours ago, EnglishLass said:

    Hi Round In Circles

    I am definitely planning for my future, but love reading about others’ successful trips home in the meantime!!

    Hello there EnglishLass...thank you for your message 🙂 I'm like you when it comes to the positive move messages...it makes you think "well, if they can do it, so can I!"  It's good to read about the less successful trips home and the reasons that for some it just hasn't worked out and they have finally realised that Australia is the best option for them.  We're all different...we all have our different stories to tell...our family and life circumstances vary...it's good to acknowledge that what works for one may not work for another, true?

    Very best of wishes with planning your adventure!

    Kind regards...

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  3. Hi 

    On 21/01/2020 at 13:03, FeelingStuck said:

    Hi RoundInCircles,


    Congratulations on your decision to move home, and I am very excited for you.   I've had two recent trips back home, after 30 years in Oz, and still hanker to return one day.


    I'm very much looking forward to reading about your adventures, and wish you all the very best !

    Hi FeelingStuck and thank you for your message; good to hear from you 🙂 Things can't move quick enough for me...currently waiting for my UK Birth Certificate to arrive then I can apply for a British Passport...all this waiting is driving me mad but I. MUST. BE. PATIENT. lol.  So far, I have applied and received my Australian Passport, have made enquiries about shipping my pet,  looked into flights,  started researching where to live,  looking at what jobs are out there and have started a list of the items I want to sell before we leave.  Our goal is to move over in July if finances are tracking okay but we are flexible.

    Thank  you for your good wishes...and...you should start planning for your future too! 😄 


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  4. Hello bug family and thank you so much for your message! 😄 

    The ball is definitely rolling now 👍 My daughter and I are about to receive our Australian passports any day now!  I'm waiting for my Birth Certificate to arrive from the UK and I need to get a Confirmation of Identity Form signed off then will eagerly await the UK passport's arrival!  Even these small steps are EXCITING!  We are aiming to leave in July however we are flexible with that.  I'm not going back after 30 years to recapture "my youth" in the hope that nothing has changed...of course things have changed, the world has changed...and I'm looking forward to the adventure!

    Kind regards...

    • Like 4
  5. Thank you, Vickie78 🙂

    Loads of good information there and I had already had a quick look at MoveCube coincidentally 👍 so I'll check them out a little more in depth.  At a rough guess, I'd say I would have a little more than 10 boxes but I'm surprised at the cost...I thought it would be considerably more!

    I appreciate you sharing your information/experiences...thanks again.

    Kind regards...

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  6. Hi Vickie78 🙂 

    May I ask what Shipping Company you have decided to use?...it would be good to get an idea of recommendations before I start making any calls.

    Thank you in advance!

    Kind regards...

  7. Hi Vickie78 🙂 

    Thank you so much for the information on ToR...love your idea of creating an Excel Spreadsheet!...we'll be taking similar things with us; no furniture or major electrical appliances and such.

    I don't particularly have a desire to return to my hometown (also in the south) however, if the "price is right" (rental) then I may...the majority of my relatives live in Kent with only one relative in the north (Lancashire).  I'd have no problem locating to a different area at all; all part of the adventure, right?

    It a good job I don't mind admin work LOL.  The list is growing even after only a day on this site!

    Many thanks again...

    Kind regards...

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  8. Hi Marisawright 🙂 

    Thank you for your latest message with all that information...an excellent start to my "admin" work.  "JetBlast" has just recently sent through information on how to "renew" a UK passport so I'll be making my second attempt at that tomorrow.

    Kind regards...

  9. Hi JetBlast 🙂 

    Thank you so much for your message with details of passport "renewal".  I obviously got onto the wrong track when I first applied so I'll be jumping online tomorrow to try again with the information you have sent me.  Wish me luck!

    Kind regards...


  10. Hi AliQ and thank you for your message 🙂 

    A bit of my background...

    Born in UK - Moved with Family to Australia as Ten Pound Poms - Moved to London for six years in the 80s and got married while I was there - Returned to live in Australia with British husband - Got Australian Citizenship in 1993 - Visited UK last in 1999/2000 for a holiday with our two children - Most of my family live in the UK - Oldest daughter has lived in London for seven years!

    I realise fully that virtually everything I ever knew will  have changed and I am keeping a very open mind about things.  In my heart, I have a real yearning to return home but if I find that I can't adjust the option to return to Australia will always be there.  Having most of my family there (especially my daughter who is showing no sign of returning to Australia) is a big drawcard; many of my relatives are elderly.

    Thank you so much for your good wishes.  I'm looking forward to my next adventure!

    Kind regards...

    • Like 3
  11. Thank you for your quick replies Quoll and Marisawright!


    Quoll - Yes, I do have an old expired UK Passport but, unless I misread, it stated "originals" were needed and had to show mother and father's details.  I scraped the application in the end so I'll have another go...apparently, you can't save and exit the application either...so, if it's not completed in one sitting then you have to start all over again...

    I'm most certainly treating it like an adventure...the next stage in my life's journey!...and there are no expectations that all will be as it was when I left in 1990.

    LOL I understand those feeling in the stomach!  Excited one minute...nervous the next...confident in my decision...then my conscience asking "...are you sure?"


    Marisawright - I know right?...heaps of admin ahead of me.  Right now, my plan is to be back in the UK by the end of July (if not earlier)...so, I've made a start now - bring it on!...I'm so keen to get there and get back to my family!


    Many regards...

  12. Hi Everybody!

    Firstly, hope you all had a VERY Merry Christmas and wishing that all your hopes, dreams and goals come true in the New Year!

    Well, after thirty years living in Australia I've made the decision to return to the UK to live.  My young adult daughter (Australian born) and my dog (hopefully) are joining me on this journey;. this next Chapter of my life.  I cannot express how excited I am to be doing this at the grand old age of 57!  But...it's time.  You know how you just know?  I fully accept, understand and appreciate the many changes that await me.

    This is my first post...probably the first of many...and I just know, by reading the many posts on this site, that you are all so well informed about the whole process of moving back "home".

    * Step one was for me to apply for an Australian Passport...I became a Citizen in 1993...application lodged and waiting for the passport to arrive in the post in the next couple of weeks ✔️

    * Step two - apply for UK Passport.  LOL started the application online...Question: Has your name changed since birth?  Answer: Yes  Why: Marriage.  Got virtually to the end of the Application and was asked when did I need the passport?  Before OR after the "Ceremony"...Ceremony?...LOL Wedding...oh, goodness...I obviously did something wrong.  Also I need to provide a full birth certificate with mother and father's details included (I have only ever used an extract before...however that was thirty something years ago...oh, haven't times changed!)

    * Questions please...

    * Is this the correct site to use for both Passport Application AND to get a UK Birth Certificate? https://www.gov.uk/order-copy-birth-death-marriage-certificate

    * Also...re the Birth Certificate...it will be a copy, yes?...Passport Application requires "original"...does it arrive as being a "certified copy of the orginal birth certificate"

    Please excuse my naivety; I am long out of touch with these kind of matters.  I will be most grateful for all suggestions and advice that your replies will bring.

    Thank you SO much, in advance.

    Kind regards...




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