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Everything posted by JosiePosie

  1. Sadly, no. I'm skilled (I work in Communications) but my skills/area of work are not listed in the skills shortage lists. I'm too old for a working holiday visa. I'll keep looking, though!
  2. Thanks VERYSTORMY - according to https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/remaining-relative-115#About, I would be able to work. Is there more info on this visa elsewhere?
  3. Thanks all! Very much appreciated. It makes sense that since he is no longer on the bridging visa, it doesn't affect me. On the note of the right to work on this visa, I haven't encountered any reasons why I won't be able to work? This is what the Immi website says about the 115 visa: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/remaining-relative-115#About: With this visa you can stay in Australia indefinitely work and study in Australia
  4. Hi all, I'm applying for the Remaining Relative subclass 115 visa, and any input from those with experience would be appreciated: All my near relatives (parents and 2 brothers) live in Australia. Parents and 1 brother have citizenship, other brother has Permanent Residency. My query is about this passage on the Immi/Home Affairs website: My brother with the Permanent Residency had a bridging visa between his working holiday visa ending and getting a skilled/ work sponsored visa, but he has since received his PR. Does the above passage mean his previous bridging visa disqualifies me, or because he is no longer on a bridging visa I'm eligible?
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