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Mike G

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Posts posted by Mike G

  1. 1 hour ago, Greystones said:

    Hi everyone, I'm new here and this is my first post. Looking for a bit of advice from everyone applying for 309 visa. My wife is an Australian citizen and we have been married since 2015 and have 3 children all born in Ireland. I'm an Irish national. The kids all have Australian citizenship and we live in Ireland.

    I'm just wondering, how much detail do they need in the evidence of ongoing relationship section. Obviously I'll include bank statements, bills, mortgage etc. Will this be enough? Should I upload photos etc? In my head it's a pretty clear case given the age of our children (youngest is 1)

    The other thing I was hoping for help on was if it was worth using an agent? I feel like I could do it myself but given the money involved might like the peace of mind of professional help. Can anyone recommend an agent or give an idea of what they cost??

    Thanks everyone for the help!

    Yes agent will cost 4 thousand dollars my agent cost 4 thousand and 4 hundred but it will be benefits for us

  2. 2 hours ago, Ahmad256 said:

    You just need to apply for certificate of good conduct online at minstry of foreign affairs website. But you should have someone at Malaysia to collect on behalf of u. Payment is 20 MYR. They don't email or post you should know someone here to collect it on behalf of you. Write an authorisation letter, the person name and ID number, sign it, and email it to your friend here so can print it. If you don't know anyone you should come to collect it.

    Thank you man

  3. 8 hours ago, Usman Jav said:

    there used to be a button "‘I confirm that I have provided my information’" in the portal, but currently it is unavailable.

    Application status used to change on pressing this button. Since the button is not available anymore, status of the application will automatically change. 

    You have nothing to worry as long you have submitted all relevant documents. 

    Btw Case officers are usually assigned after 11 months of submitting of the application. 

    Thnk you yar

  4. 3 hours ago, Ajay88 said:

    Hi everyone. I am going to get married this December. I want to apply offshore 309 partner visa for my wife. It’s an arrange marriage. I never met her before, I will meet her first time this December. So my question is this, what documents should I attach during visa lodgement? Some people say I cannot apply 309 visa for my partner because I don’t have one year old relationship proof. If this is true, It is unfair with arrange marriage? How can someone show a year old relationship before marriage if he or she do arrange marriage? Thanks 

    You can apply its not true need one year relationship history. When u become a husband enough so be patient 

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