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Everything posted by MeganB

  1. He is on a 482 visa he is already over there at the moment and I will be joining in July. I have emailed a few agencies with no luck but I’m hoping it’s down to the fact I’m not in the country. I hear a lot of stories about people struggling to find work so I thought I’d see if anyone had any positive experiences lol
  2. At the moment he is on a 4 year skilled visa I could be wrong but I think a 457... he will be applying for PR once he is eligible to do so
  3. Hi all! Has anyone gone defacto on their partners visas? He is already over there so I’ll be going over on working holiday then applying for defacto once we can show proof of being in a relationship Also, can anyone advise on the job front? My partners on a skilled visa so he found it easy to get a job and I’m quite worried about it. I have 5 years office experience and I’d be hoping to do the same type of work ideally. Has anyone struggled to get work? Any help or advise is really appreciated!! Thank you!
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