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Posts posted by syc15

  1. On 07/06/2019 at 06:11, Hex said:

    @syc15 Congrats on the good news. 

    I have a question though; In your signature you have this "Notification of incorrect answers : 30 May 2019 ", what exactly does that mean? Which document / questions was this in relation to. 
    - Also, did you need to do anything in response to this, or was it simply a notification and then grant? 

    @Hex Thanks Hex, sorry for my late reply i thought i posted the message but it didnt seem like it. 

    My MA applied my visa using my full name as Last name and was refused to follow my other visa histories even though the same company (a reputable one) did my 457 and had my previous information. It affects the linking between ATO and Medicare and other stuffs. It costed me a lot of efforts to explain and still couldn't solved the problem, ie why didnt i use the right format of my name and etc. Immigration did not actually asked for anything yet and i thought my MA should be providing the correct information, just in case. And it worked out perfectly for me! 

    I then requested MA to change it because of all the troubles i have been going through. They initially wanted to put a Name Change request but i disagreed because i do not have any documents to prove that. I did my research and requested a Notification of incorrect answers for my name. After a couple of days, they agreed and submitted the request on 30 May. I then checked my account again and noticed there is an updated of my name to the right format on 5 June. And i receive my golden letter on the very next day, 6 June. There are 2 different officers assessed my case, both 4 Apr the famous email and my grant on 6 June. 

    Immigration did not actually asked for anything yet and i thought my MA should be providing the correct information, just in case. And it worked out perfectly for me! otherwise i couldn't imagine how much waiting time and problems i have to go through if i did not stay firm. 

    • Like 1
  2. Thank you everyone for making amazing effort in building this forum. Came here since 2011 and never thought i would have stay on since then and on different visas. Today i finally received my golden email. Still feeling on cloud nice and wish everyone all the best! your time will come soon! 

    • Congratulations 6
  3. Hi everyone, thank you to this forum and i understand a lot about my situation even though the application is managed by MA. 

    My status is updated as per my signature. On 4 April I got asked to provide further information - medical check (done), AFP (waiting) and home country CGC (waiting).

    I read from the previous threads that after Bridging visa is granted, i can apply for temp Medicare. I was wondering can i apply even though my bridging visa shows Not Active because my 457 is still valid?

     Thanks guys! 🙂

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