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Posts posted by Sigemup

  1. 6 hours ago, AJ said:

    Hi I dont think so, it was a few years ago.  I am sure I only phoned them up and said I had moved to Perth, must have quoted a reference, told them the council area I was in and it was all done, then I got an invite a few months later. 

    Thank you for the reply.

    Also, what documents did you provide for change of address to a new state ? 



  2. On 28/11/2020 at 23:39, AJ said:

    I dont know how long it takes now I did mine a few years ago, but I did my test in Melbourne, and the ceremony in Perth.  I just called them and let them know when I moved.

    Hi mate, did you have to provide any additional documentation when moving interstate after test and prior to ceremony ? Also, when you called what info did they ask for ? 

    Thank you

  3. 1 hour ago, Nora said:


    It may delay or speed up your ceremony invite.

    Thank you Nora for the reply ! 

    Do you in what scenario it would delay and in what scenario it would speed up the ceremony appointment ?

    1 hour ago, Nora said:

    We gave him our new address, and he only mentioned to use the form to update details to change our postal address.

    Could you please let me know what you mean by this "he only mentioned to use the form to update details to change our postal address." - which form is this about ? 

    Also why only postal address ? Is it not also residential address ? 

    Also, did you update the address before you moved to that new address ? is it like a friend's place or a place you already own / lease started at the point of updating the address ? Or is it updated on basis that you know you are moving to that address ?


    1 hour ago, Nora said:

    But if you havent notified the department on your new address, you should by sending them the Changes of acircumstanced form to update your residential/postal address. 

    Should we send a form ? Or can we update it immi account itself ? 

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Kormike9803 said:

    when I talked to the person on the citizenship department on Hornsby Shire, told me that people who attend the test and approved on December would receive the ceremony invitation around March

    Hi mate,

    did you speak to someone at the DHA or is it at the hornsby council about the above ?


    THank you

  5. 5 hours ago, Greatm said:

    Hi, Here are my timelines

    application: 20 Sep 2020

    Test Invite received on 20 Jan 2021 for 9 Feb 2021

    rescheduled test to 27 Jan 2021

    Test passed on 27 Jan 2021 

    Approval in immi account 27 Jan 2021

    Approval letter received 2 Feb 2021

    invitation for ceremony received on 19 Feb 2021 for 17 Mar 2021

    State Applied in : ACT

    Congratulations ! 


    Is this a virtual ceremony or a regular one ? 


    Also, which council in the ceremony in ? I mean, you have mentioned the state is ACT, but is there is only 1 council in ACT or are there more and if so, where is the ceremony ? 



  6. Hi guys,

    I have question about the scanning of photo for the form 1195. How big should the photo size be ? I mean the harf copy is as per the specs. But how big should the scanned soft copy be ? 

    Should it be same size on the screen as the actual photo (i.e. 35mm by 45mm) ? Or should it be scanned copy be A4 size ? I am very confused about this.

    Thank you

  7. Hi guys,

    I have few more questions about the citizenship application. ould you please help me with the below:

    1. The question about previous country of residence: for this, I was working in US for 1.1 years immediately prior to coming down under. And before that I was in India. So should it be US or India as the answer to this question about previous country of residence?

    2. for the question regarding Residential address for past 5 years: In Oz, for about 2 months, I lived in a student accommodation in a hotel room. Should I include this as well ?

    Further, for about a few weeks or so I lived in a few hotel rooms till I found regular accommodation – I am assuming I need not include this ?

    3. A few years ago, I went on a Europe trip with family. As there are no checks and stamping of pprt on the borders between the EU countries, I do not know the exact dates I was in each country. I know approximate dates only. Is it ok to add the approx. dates?

    4. I did not find any section to include comments of my own (like it is there in paper apps etc. where you can use the additional comments section to clarify anything you want to) – could you please let me know if there is such a section ? I was thinking of clarifying some of the above (such as travel dates) if such a comments section existed.

    Thank you

  8. 7 minutes ago, rammygirl said:

    Put the number that is individual to you.  Also what did you use for PR? If the birth certificate was OK for that then it will be OK for Citizenship. 

    Thank you Rammy Girl ! 

    For the PR, the birth certificate was not uploaded bj me.

    However, for the RRV, I uploaded the birth certificate and it was ok (the birth certificate was uploaded as I used initials in some documents for surname as it is very long. It required document for change of name. I uploaded birth certificate and a couple of other identity documents showing both versions of the name and stated it was not a change of name, but simply a preferred version of the name.)

  9. Hi Guys,

    I have a some questions regarding the application:

    1. In many pages in the app such as identity document page - there is a field called "Document reference number" that needs to be input. Is the input for this the document number or the registration number on document ? (Note there is no separate field for both numbers in the application - so not sure which I need to input). To clarify further, the document itself has like the licence which has a card number and a licence number - the question is which one should I put (the equivalent of the card number or the equivalent of the licence number) - I am assuming the licence number equivalent ? 

    2. The Birth certificate I have has both English and another language for every line / information in the birth certificate. So I assume no translation is required as English is already there. However, the seal under the official signature on the birth certificate is not in English (This is the typical blue official seal). That is the only part not in English. Should the document be translated given all printed information has English as well ? Also, if it is required to be translated, I assume it would NAATI, if so how do I get it done now ? 

    Thank you

  10. Hi guys,

    I have 2 questions about 2 sections in the citizenship application.

    1. Other names: Questions that asks if I have any other names. In this the help button (question mark) explains that it can include if someone changed their name or have used preferred name etc. 

    For this, I am not sure if my names are considered other names. I have a long name (both first name and second have 2 parts in each and are long) and sometimes for last name I use initials. For example: First name: John Last name: Thomas Wilson - for such a name I use John T W as my name in some documents whereas other documents use John Thomas Wilson. 

    Could you please let me know if this would be considered as other names ? Because it is the same name but simply initialized.

    2. Debt: After I submitted tax returns a couple of years ago, I had a medicare levy surcharge to be paid. However I forgot and missed the payment. Few months later I received a letter from probe collections. I immediately paid the amount and cleared it. 

    For the question "Have you ever had a debt to the Australian government" - Should I say 'yes' or 'no' 

    Thank you

  11. Hi guys,

    If I have visited the UK as a visitor and tourist on multiple occasions with a cumulative total of ~ 90 days, what is the process, in order to get a PCC.

    The reason I am asking is because when I checked it, it is asking for documents and details such as last known address in UK and endorser and other information which I would think only a person who has lived there rather than visited would have. (Note I do not have the details of the hotels where I stayed either).


    Also, please confirm if this is the correct website to apply:


    Thank you

  12. Hi guys,

    If I have visited the UK as a visitor and tourist on multiple occasions with a cumulative total of ~ 90 days, what is the process, in order to get a PCC.

    The reason I am asking is because when I checked it, it is asking for documents and details such as last known address in UK and endorser and other information which I would think only a person who has lived there rather than visited would have.

    Also, please confirm if this is the correct website to apply:


    Thank you

  13. Hi guys,

    I am primarily in city 'A' as of now. But there maybe a project in another city 'B' where I may need to be for 4 - 6 months. And then in city A after that. At the point of application, I maybe in 'B'. 

    I would renting unit in both locations and likely have a licence converted to 'B' licence. And have utilities as well in both A and B.

    So where should I apply for citizenship from ? 

  14. Hi guys,

    I was married recently. This was a few years after receiving the PR and coming to Aus. Please let me know


    - if I need to update the ATO or medicare about this status ? (spouse received a BVA recently and has not created a medicare or TFN yet) 

    - is there any particular detail that I need to update in any other document - maybe the PR or the passport or any other document that I would need to update ? 


    Also by when is she required to apply for TFN and by when should she get a medicare card - is there any particular requirement ? 


    Thank you

  15. Hi guys,

    I have a couple of questions about the citizenship application:

    1. In the section where it asks for any other ID documents should we put each and every ID document we have under the category called 'other' ? such as:
          - Social security number
          - Photo ID card issued in NSW
          - 4 licences - of which 1 is current and 3 are previous
          - PAN number (Tax account number)
          - Previous Passport
    and any other ID ? 

    2. Also is there any advantage to adding multiple ID cards ? 

  16. Hi guys,

    I have a couple of questions about the citizenship application:

    1. In the section where it asks for any other ID documents should we put each and every ID document we have under the category called 'other' ? such as:
          - Social security number
          - Photo ID card issued in NSW
          - 4 licences - of which 1 is current and 3 are previous
          - PAN number (Tax account number)
          - Previous Passport
    and any other ID ? 

    2. Also is there any advantage to adding multiple ID cards ? 


  17. Hi guys,

    I had called the helpline a few months ago to check the date on which I could apply for citizenship and was given a date for this.

    However, when I called a few weeks ago to double check, I was informed that there is a duplicate movement record (2 departures in a row) in the system and needs to be corrected. I have not traveled between the first call a few months and the second one a few weeks ago.

    Today I called again to check the date and they informed me the same that there is a duplicate movement record. Further clarification showed that the 2 departure records in a row is a actually a missing arrival record. They said they would fix it but did not provide an ETA for this.

    I am concerned as to the impact of this.

    Could anyone provide any inputs on this if you are aware of this type of scenario and any action that can be taken for this?

    Thank you

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