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  1. My only child Kris passed away inLondon nearly 5 years ago he had his ticket to come here the day after his funeral. Anyway 1 have become very close to a student from Brazil for the,ast 4 and half years and his visa is up in June he’s supposed to have done 370 hours of painting and decorating and he’s paid over 20 k to do this course and. Coz he hasn’t got experience he can’t get a job and without the hours he’s not going to get his 3rd Student Visa. Anyway I can’t loose him I’ll feel like I’ve lost 2 children . He’s 28 and I’m 56 so can’t marry him as it wouldn’t be believed anyway he’s been acting for the last two years and has A lead roll comming up and the Director / Producer, / Writer who has already made a movie can nominate him , but I’m scared that he hasn’t done enough to be applying for the Distinguished Talent Visa and he’s done Lots of Charity work. But I’m worried that if we wait for another 2/3 years to apply that so he’ll be even more internationally recognised. But do you think he won’t get the student Visa for the third time? Please can someone help me. Thanks in Advance. Tanya
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