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Everything posted by Jbelda

  1. Jbelda

    3 year ban

    My daughter married an Australian in Septemberin the US. She then went to Australia on a tourist visa as they couldn't afford the fee for the marriage visa yet. A couple of weeks after arriving in Australia, she developed 2 pulmonary embolisms in both lungs. She was hospitalized there. The doctors said she could not fly per the requirementsof her visa. It would put her life in jeopardy. She contacted immigration to inquire about an extension and was told there was nothing they could do. There were no other visas that fit her situation. When she was able to fly, she booked her ticket to Indonesia and at the airport was told she could not come back to Australia for 3 years. She is in Indonesia now . They don't have the money for a marriage visa or a migration attorney. This is a legitimate marriage and they don't want to be separated. She is American. She has the documentation from the doctors saying she couldn't fly. Any advise?
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