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Everything posted by hannahp

  1. Hello all, Slightly different situation to some of the posts here, in that my partner and I have only been in Australia for 7 months so not very long at all. We left the UK last February to spend a few months travelling before arriving in Melbourne in July 2018. Before arriving, I had said we should keep an open mind as to whether we would make our home here. I'd heard so many stories of better lifestyles and greater opportunities. My partner is a dual citizen and I came over on a working holiday visa and up until recently, we had been planning to apply for the partner visa. However, deep down we both feel that our home is in the UK and know we want to return eventually, so the idea of spending $7k to stay here an additional year or two doesn't really make sense. As such, we are now considering leaving at the end of June when my visa is up. I think I'm just worried that I haven't given it a good enough go? We had originally meant to move to Sydney where I have good friends but my partner has family in Melbourne and ended up finding a permanent job here so we stayed, and I don't think I've ever really felt settled here. Maybe the experience would be completely different if we lived elsewhere and we are giving up too soon? I've not even seen the rest of the country, and I know this is most likely the last opportunity I'll have to live here as once we go home I can't imagine us deciding to make a move like this again. At the moment I like the idea of going back but I know when I was back in London commuting to work on the central line I couldn't wait to leave. I'm not really sure what I'm asking, just needed somewhere to get the thoughts out. I can't really talk to my family as I don't want to get their hopes up in case we don't end up coming home in July. Has anyone been in a similar situation and left after a short space of time? Is a year enough to try out living abroad?
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