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Posts posted by clairechesh

  1. Hi everyone,

    Which is best, partner visa (husband is Aussie, been together 10 years, married 6 years) or a skilled visa (I am a primary teacher and on the list).

    Thanks everyone

  2. Hello everyone,

    I have been with my husband since 2010 when we met in Australia whilst I was on a WHV - my partner is Australian. We have been living in the UK for the last 11 years and have a little girl who is 2. 

    We are now looking to make to move to Australia and wondering which partner visa is the best to apply for - off shore or on shore. Looking at the processing times, I am concerned as my husband’s UK visa is due to end August 2023. I wonder if I can enter Australia in a tourist visa and apply onshore? However, worried about how long this will take as it will mean I am unable to work. 

    I should also add that I am a primary school teacher with 10 years experience and looking to continue teaching in Australia.

    Thank you for taking the time to read and for any help 😊


  3. Hello, I hope you don’t mind me jumping on here but can I ask as I am trying to find the best way of doing things…

    You went to Australia in a regular 3 month visitor visa and have lodged your partner visa application whilst there?

    We are looking to move soon as my husband’s UK visa expires next august and the waiting times on processing are freaking me out! 

    thank you x

  4. 28 minutes ago, Jon the Hat said:

    Check that you have the full birth certificate - I only had the short form one so had to order a full one.  Google it.

    Good point! We were only talking about my birth certificate last night so I will definitely do this as I’m sure mine got lost when I applied for a poassport a number of years ago (by the passport office 🙄


  5. 6 hours ago, mia.oh.my said:

    Reading all these posts makes me certain I've probably uploaded something wrong or my 80's birth certificate isn't considered 'official' anymore... aaaggghhh!! *bangs head against the desk*

    @clairechesh We did all the paperwork ourselves and it was a massive undertaking but I don't regret (yet) not using an agent. We set up a shared Google Drive so my husband and I could both upload documents and file them in one place. Then used https://smallpdf.com (so worth getting the pro version!) to squash and or merge documents together so we didn't 'waste' any of the 100 document upload quota. Like @CEP said, Facebook and Instagram are great resources for screen grabbing time stamped shots where you and your partner have been tagged, especially with other friends. 

    Thank you! The man at Haskew Law was like, “well would you represent yourself in court?” He was incredibly rude. I thought, probably not but we’ve done visa apps for my husband and I’m not stupid! If budget wasn’t a factor I probably would use one but unfortunately it is!

    Thank you for your advice! Good luck! Xx

  6. 1 minute ago, CEP said:

    @clairechesh  I took it at face value - all international travel movements in the last 10 years, holidays, trips, etc.

    It took me an age and to be honest - I was thankful that I actually had managed to document most of my trips on facebook over the time period!  In fact facebook has been pretty instrumental in my application for date gathering 🙂 

    Of course Facebook! Why didn’t I think of that?!!! For our honeymoon we travelled around Europe, nevermind all the other holidays! Looks like my weekend is going to be fun...! It’ll all be worth it in the end! 

    We’ve got a trip to Oz booked for April for two weeks to see family and our nephew’s christening, this won’t affect my application will it? (Prob a stupid question!) 

  7. 1 hour ago, CEP said:

    Hi @clairechesh!  Welcome to the waiting room 🙂

    If you look a few posts further back, I've uploaded a link to a spreadsheet which shows the timelines for people on this forum and some others.  There's a bunch of us who submitted from May onwards who had requests for further info (RFIs) around the same time, toward the latter part of 2018.   As @SydneyBound says above, it looks like they are now revisiting those in a rough sort of order.

    Its very difficult to say "how long"it will take as each case is different.  At the start of 2018, grants flew out of London, in some cases taking just a few weeks from lodging to approval.  Then things slowed right down.

    Make sure you have all your info together and your application as complete as it can be.  There's lots of tips on here how to prepare your docs etc.  As for whether or not to use an agent, thats a common debate you'll see on here.  There's arguments for both sides really.  

    As you'll see, there's some of us who took tourist visas to wait it out onshore - it really all depends on your own circumstances. 

    Its a pretty good bunch here - we're pretty well behaved I'd say! So.... welcome!

    Thank you so much for a warm welcome! It feels like an absolute minefield! I’m definitely going to look back through this thread and others for further guidance. 

    With regards to the tourist visa, which I read about on this thread previously, we can (if permitted by the visa people) apply for the 12 month tourist visa whilst we wait for our partner visas to be granted? And we need to leave aus for five days and re-enter on the new visa? I’m just thinking of ways and means of getting there quicker. We have a big family in Oz, so this could be an option for us. 

    Sprrg for all the questions, I’m already impatient do I can’t omagine how it is for everyone else! 



  8. 28 minutes ago, Katiebobbles said:

    Congrats @Heather Kennedy amazing news @Clairechesh the average if you can say there is one seems to be 5-9months but as CEP said it's luck of the draw with the CO and if they find an issue on the application.
    I would say we did it ourselves and after heaps of research and planning it was still a good week or two to get everything together and scanned and submitted.
    Our RFI was a minor question which an agent may or may not have seen.
    Yours does sound straight forward but I guess it comes down to how good at detail you are as an agent ensures you have provided everything ...... best of luck

    Thank you for your reply! I have started the application online and need to go back through it this weekend to make sure we’ve supplied all the correct details.

    Just wondering, when it asks countries visited in the last 10 years for less than 12 months, does this include holidays and short breaks?! Need to get my thinking cap well and truly on for this! 

    This visa application seems a lot more complex than the UK version! 

    Thanks xx

  9. Hi everyone!

    I’ve just discovered this forum and thread. We are right at the beginning of his journey and OMG it sounds like a nightmare! 

    How long has it taken everyone to get their visas finalised? I saw post about 12 month tourist visas and I’m wondering if this would be an option for us? 

    My husband is Australian, been together 8 years, married for 2. Lived in aus for 6 months and then in the UK for 7 1/2 years. We’re ready to make he love, why does it have to be so difficult? 

    Can anyone recommend an agent? I spoke to Haskew Law but the man was really rude and I refuse to trust them. Or, has anyone experience of doing the application themselves? 

    Any advice would be gratefully appreciated! 



  10. Hi everyone! 

    My Australian husband and I are hoping to move to Australia soon. I am from the UK, we have been married for 2 years and together for 8 - we have always lived together. I am a primary school teacher with early years school experience - so on the skilled list. 

    Im just wondering, which visa is the best to apply for with regards to cost and processing time? 

    Also, did you do your application independently or through an emigration company? 

    Thank you for your help! 


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