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Everything posted by Jess557

  1. Hi just wondering if anyone has had success with defacto visas without having 12 months of proof of a de facto relationship? What are the chances of having it approved with only a few months worth of proof? We can register the relationship, but have not done so yet and don’t have long until current visa expires. Is this a realistic possibility with only 5-6 months worth of proof? (We have been together longer but no proof at all) any advice appreciated!
  2. Hi just wondering if anyone could advise how much time is needed to apply for a 189 skilled migration visa as a Chef. We have about 8 months until my partners second year working visa expires (expires in June) so wondering if we have left it too late to get the skills assessment and English language test etc done to find out how many points and then do an expression of interest and hopefully get invited before June. Is that realistic? We are thinking f doing that or a partner visa but worried if we do the skilled visa which is much cheaper and a better option that may run out of time and not get an invitation in the time frame we need and will then have no time to do a partner application etc after that. we think he will have around 70-75 points if that helps at all. Any idea of our chances of getting invited? Any advice or comments about your own process and time involved welcomed!
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