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Everything posted by Kirsten77

  1. Thanks T & Q... I was just curious if we enter UK on a tourist visa to visit then decide decide to stay and live can we then apply whilst in UK for my sons settlement? Or would we have to fly back to Oz and apply from there? TIA
  2. Hi all! Any help greatly appreciated! I have a UK passport as my father was born in the UK (i was born and have lived in Australia all my life). My child is a 5yo Australian citizen with an Australian passport. If we go to the UK for 1-2 months and I decide to settle there can my child stay too? Do i need to apply for a visa for my child to stay? Thanks in advance!
  3. I was born in Australia 1977. I hold an Australian passport. My father was born in Wales so i also hold a British passport. (British citizen by descent ) I have a child born 2012 in Australia who has an Australian passport. I have always lived in Australia. I want to move to England with my child for up to 5 years. He will be attending primary school. What is the best way of doing this please? Does my child need a visa/ a UK settlement visa/ register them as a Brittish citizen subject to Home Secretary approval/ register as a British national/points based system dependant etc etc??? I have spent soooo long on uk govt.sites and am so confused! I have personally walked into the British consulate here in Perth and been told they dont deal with my situation and contact the UK. Any help would be so so GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!
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