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Linda Brown

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Posts posted by Linda Brown

  1. Hi Jellybean T, we sent our police checks through as they were,  never asked for my maiden name. We'll have to see how it goes. 

    Where did you go for your medical and did they give you any clue how it had gone?

    Well done getting everything done so quickly, relax now with a nice cold beer, ready for the next step of actually moving there, which from Spain probably won't be straightforward. 

  2. Hi Jellybean T, you're asking about Spanish police checks. We are processing ours through our Spanish solicitor. We had to go to the equivalent of centrelink here in Spain to prove our identification. It is all done on line and the check comes back on line.

    We are using an agent in Perth so we will scan it and send it on for her to get it translated and authenticated. 

    Nothing is easy in Spain. Hope this helps.

  3. We have used HiFx to transfer money to Australia and they have been very good. Their limit is quite large and they give you a better exchange rate the more money you move. It usually arrives within two working days. Also you can get them to hold money at a set rate for a while I think. It's worth checking out. We have been using them for a number of years.

  4. I hope so Greece, bugg I take nothing for granted in the wait for a visa. I must say I feel very nervous and very edgy. It's the uncertainty of it all that is so stressful.

    Thank you Greece let's hope things carry on as they are and you get a little nearer the finishing line.

    I will certainly post on this forum as soon as we hear anything.

    Have a good day all of you out there.

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  5. On 27/08/2018 at 02:26, Sharad Guru said:


    I agree Alan another website would be good for timelines and leave this one for experiences, problems etc. I've been on the visa tracker websites which are ok as long as people update them. 

    I think we're all feeling the wait for visas seems endless and it's good to see people so happy when they get assigned a C O , perhaps now things are moving a little the website will get back to being more upbeat and informative.

  6. On 27/08/2018 at 02:26, Sharad Guru said:

    Any one from july or august 2015,got requested for medicals..???

    Re Alan Colletts post about timelines, he has to understand after waiting so long for visa information this forum is the only way to get to the truth. You're a good agent Alan but out of line on this topic.

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  7. We are pensioners currently entering our 4th year of waiting for something to happen on our 143 visa. Consequently we are considering applying for a 600 visa to stay with our family. The area that we are most concerned about is the cost and cover available of medical insurance during this period. Any information or advice would be appreciated.

  8. I'm new to the forum, I  hope someone can give me some advice. We've been waiting for our 143 visa since December 2015 and we're now thinking of trying to get to live with our son and his family on a tourist visa till we get nearer to our 143 processed. Can anyone tell me which is the best one and if there's any restrictions. 

    I would be grateful for any advice. 

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