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Tom 84

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  1. Congrats! This is great news and thanks for sharing. I am applying for de facto visa onshore also. I will be arriving on a tourist visa and then submitting my application when it expires. Did you do this or were you already on a different visa? i am slightly concerned about what to say at the border when asked why I have a one way ticket...
  2. Hey guys, I am hoping someone can advise me on something. My partner and I are emigrating to Aus in 2 weeks and have been compiling evidence for the Defacto Visa application. We are both UK citizens, but she has a skilled Visa and the right to stay in Aus for the next 5 years. We decided not to apply offshore as the wait times seemed to be so long and have packed up our lives into boxes and bags ahead of leaving soon. Having spoken with 2 Immi lawyers I am confident that I can enter Aus on a tourist visa before applying for the defacto visa 3 months in when my tourist visa expires. Have saved up enough money to pay for the visa and survive without work for 3 months whilst awaiting my bridging visa. However, I have read a few of the forums recently and am slightly concerned about what I might say to the immi officers at border control when I arrive in Aus. I have a one way ticket and am arriving with someone who has a permanent visa. Has anyone been in this situation before? Can anyone advise what to do?
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