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Everything posted by Zarzar

  1. Hi Mel, I'm so sorry to hear things are tough between you and your parents. That makes it really tough for you, despite wanting to leave. That said, congrats on the up and coming move! It must feel relieving that your son feels happy and excited to start his new school. This makes me feel very positive about the prospect of moving back ?. The only thing that worries me is if the support will be there for my boy. My son is only 2.5 and it’s not 100% clear on what help he’ll need. Currently he has delayed speech and sees an OT too. Hes a very brigh, happy and interested kid. He’s been having intervention since he was 6m (as we got a very early dx) This is all done privately here as we get carers allowance to pay for it (NDIS due in October). I know the NHS would provide support but it tough to know what and how frequently. We feel a bit the same as you. If we don’t make the move at the end of next year it would be too disruptive to him starting school. I don’t think I could wait another 6/7years until secondary school. All of my family are in the UK. Though my partners family are here and supportive it’s just not the same as being around the corner from my sister etc. Thanks so much for sharing. I hope everything goes really well for you! X
  2. Thanks Ali, I have looked into it. He’s not EU or UK but we do meet the financial criteria (we have the savings required to support him until visa is granted). It’s rubbish that is comes down to ££ but that’s the way if the world. X
  3. MelT, just wondering if you have moved yet and how you have gotten on? I’m in the same situation. I’ve been in Melbourne for 14 years and really way to move back to the UK. My partner (Aussie) is very willing and keen but I just worry about schools as my son has a genetic condition and will likely need some additional help. It’s a very tough call but I desperately want to be back in the UK, close to my family. TIA x
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