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Posts posted by tab

  1. Hi I moved to Perth in January my girls are 15 and 14. My eldest isn't very academic and was struggling with gcses  in UK wasn't going to pass any to be honest. High school have been amazing and recommended going straight into year 11 and skipping year 10 as is mainly academic courses. Instead she is on a certificate programme studying things she loves art music sport and maths and English. Socially I've encouraged both girls into social groups they go to two youth groups and venture scouts.  Not made friends yet but early days and both settling well .good luck 

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  2. Well we came to Australia in January as my children's visas weren't granted we are here with them on tourist visa. I've informed change of address etc. Paying for youngest to go to school and home educating older two with a bit of private tuition thrown in. Finally had request for further information just need a copy of my divorce certificate.  I've requested one from family court of w.a can collect Friday. How likely is it that our visas will be issued shortly after. I'm desperate  to get back into work and have employment prospects. Anyhow at least we finally have some movement 7 months after applying.  Even with the uncertainty over our heads being back in perth has been the best decision ever. Kids love it. Good luck to all waiting. 

  3. The one thing that pleasantly shocked me yesterday is we went to s museum . There was no bag inspections no security to walk through. I have noticed a massive change for the better in my e children's emotional  wellbeing. The sheer lack of busyness and generally having peace and quiet  and no traffic jams on the m62 everyday is bliss.

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  4. HI Jamie and family

    I find a lot of people who haven't lived in the UK for many years have no real understanding of the sheer poverty and deprivation in many parts particularly in the large cities.  I lived in Australia almost 20 years ago and have Aussie citizenship howe6my 3 kids have never lived here. We decided to come out for good last year the manchester arena bombing and undertaking terrorist training as part of my role as a midwife was the final straw . We arrived in perth 5 weeks ago for us it is like utopia. We live walking distance to the beach the pace of life is much slower and relaxed. I  have found people friendly and generous. My kids have joined youth clubs soccer tennis and we've been to free outdoor movies complete with free hot dogs and popcorn . Lots of free concerts. I found everthing so expensive in UK with 3 kids. The youth club my teenage girls attend have even offered emotional support and counselling if they want it to help with the transition.  I haven't looked for work yet as planning 6 months off so can't comment. I truly believe perth is still an awesome place to raise a family.  Much luck to you all x

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  5. This is the one thing that's has worried me. I am a dual citizen Aus and UK.  I have three British children who I have adopted they aren't entitled to citizenship by descent like birth children  and I've had to apply to sponsor them. All paperwork including medical police clearance etc submitted july.  in order to free up the 5500 pounds for application I sold my house and we are crammed into a friend's tiny terrace . I now have a job to go to perth and a friend has found me a fab rental house so we're moving over on 2nd January.  I have contacted immigration in canberra and consulate in UK and no timeline on adoption  visas at all. Therefore I need to get a tourist visa for kids. we've got a one way ticket but have booked cheap flexible tickets to singapore to either leave to get visas substantiated or to get new visa to get back into Australia.  I have had members on here tell me it's a risky move but with no home anymore feel it's a risk worth taking and intend to be honest and upfront on  why we're entering if questioned. At the end of the day my children are legally mine and therefore have same rights as biological children children who wouldn't be denied entry to live with there citizen parent. 

  6. I too am returning to perth in January after 19 years back in the UK. Have been back o  holidays regularly so not such a shock we were out at Easter.  Like the op I feel quite sad in the negative changes to UK massive  violent crime  poverty  ghost towns of bordered up shops. My children are bullied both by teachers and pupils. Can't wait to return to Oz x

  7. Thanks guys we do really need to be in Australia early next year for many reasons which are too numerous to go into. I am well aware I would have to leave to get the visa substantiated. It seems there is no black and white answer I will probably have to take a chance and apply for the long stay tourist visa at the end of the year if no movement on the permenant residency visa. Would love to hear from people who have entered on a tourist visa while waiting for a permenant residency vusa

  8. I know it's only been 3 months since I put in my application to sponsor my 3 adopted British children to get permenant residency however we are all going bonkers. There is no time frame for this type of visa however I know someone on an adoption board who was 4 months so really hoping it's going to be quick. The reality is in under to even fund the move apply for visas  airfares etc I've sold my house very quickly . we own another house which planned to move in but my tenant being awkward and won't move. This has meant we are squashed into a friend's tiny terrace 1 and a half hours from work and schools. it's on a major road and my 8 year old got knocked over by a car. My job as a midwife is beyond stressful with no staff and hours that don't suit a single parent. The children are struggling with all the uncertainty and I feel we just need to get gone and wait for their visas in Australia.   I realise there education won't be free I will home school until residency through. we have loads of support in perth and I have agency work lined up and friends arranging housing. I am an Aussie citizen so no worries for me how easy will it be to get a years holiday visa for the children. Had different advice London consulate said no worries at all but spoke with the Aussie site and he was doubtful I can do this. Any thoughts  ta x

  9. When I first moved out to w.a in 1989 I ended up working at the halls creek hotel in the Kimberley.  Night after night I struggled to sleep in my little single prefab room because it was so hot. Eventually I complained to the manager who asked why I didn't use the air conditioning I replied that there wasn't one . He came to check and it turned out the ugly looking heater in the wall wasn't a heater after all the locals had a laugh at my expense x


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  10. love reading this after 18 years back in UK and as a single parent with 3 children in tow have put wheels in motion to move back. my children have never lived in oz and are scared. However since I stepped off that plane in Darwin back in the 8os  my heart and soul have belonged here can't wait to return

     accepted offer on house yesterday hoping to be back in the sunburnt country in 2019 x

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