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Posts posted by GB1978

  1. Hi @Katiebobbles- the three quotes that we had for a twenty ft container from London to Perth were: John Masons - £3625, PSS - £3764, Pickfords - £4249. These are all excluding the quarantine/parking. I haven't confirmed my insurance yet, the simplest approach is probably to go with John Masons who we are shipping with, not sure how much costs vary - need to do a little more research!

  2. We recently got 3 quotes for full 20ft container as well as shared containers from London to Perth - quotes were from John Masons, PSS, Pickfords. Have chosen a full container with John Masons, one thing I did note is make sure you compare like with like, two of them didn't include parking suspensions or quarantine charges which may make appear more competitive but it may not  end up being the case as it added about another £800!

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  3. Hi Nadine - I think my situation sounds similar to yours - albeit about a month behind in the process so it will be interesting to know when you get a case officer assigned . I submitted about a month ago, married for 7 years to an Aussie, two children (Citizenships in process, 1 received, 1 awaiting). Have heard nothing as yet, from your and Jon's experience it sounds like it may be a little while before I do. For those more familiar with the process, do you get an email to confirm a case officer being allocated, or does the status of the application just change in Immiaccount?

  4. Hi

    After weeks of reading up on the partner visa and getting our various bits of evidence prepared, I finally started on the online application form tonight. I had a slight question on a couple of related questions.

    On page 11 of the online application, it says 'Does the applicant have any members of their family unit not travelling to Australia who are not Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents?' Am I right to assume the definition of family unit means immediate family - i.e partner and children.  I have answered 'No' as my wife is Australian and we have just about to submit Australian citizenship applications for our two children. Or does family unit have a wider definition, i.e my parents and sister who are not migrating to Australia?

    On page 12, it then asks for information on immediate family members of the applicant, e.g. my father and asks for his Australian immigration status and gives a choice of Australian Citizen, Permanent Resident, Temporary Resident, Visitor, Student and Other. A bit unsure on this one as he hasn't been to Australia and therefore has no status, so does that mean he would be 'Other'?

    I would appreciate any clarification you can provide

    Many thanks!

  5. Thanks for your replies, I hadn't appreciated the incoming changes to the Partner Visa and so it sounds like it may be best to move forward with both the visa and kids citizenship in parallel.

    In terms of the visa changes, if we submit our application by the end of June does it follow the existing process? Apologies if I missed another thread on this, I did try and find one!

    Thanks again!

  6. I'm in the process of preparing to apply for my Partner visa for Australia. My wife is Australian and we have two young children who were born in England.

    We are looking to apply for Australia citizenship for our two children.

    Is there a preferred order for how this should be done - should we apply for their citizenship, get that confirmed and then lodge my partner application or can they be done in parallel?

    We need to try and be in Australia by next March as that is when my wife's UK visa is due to expire so keen to ensure we organise ourselves in the best way.

    Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide.

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