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Posts posted by LJB

  1. Hi @Jon the Hat

    Fingers crossed our sale goes through this month. Top tip- we used an online agent but paid for our own property photographer- best £240 we've ever spent- the house looked amazing in the pictures.

    Just a thought that hadn't ever occurred to me until I heard/ stole the idea off someone else! 

  2. Thanks Jetblast.

    Got my visa last week!! Whooooopie!

    I just sent in 1 document for each category. Didn't send in the Form 80 because I had a few questions so I left it out! Wasn't ever asked for it.

    You're right- I didn't register at the time- we have to enter Oz before our police checks expire. Fingers crossed for our house sale! 

  3. Hi folks

    I'm applying for a 189 visa. Just in the process of uploading docs and my question is- it states that I can upload up to 60 documents; do I need to? 

    I've selected and uploaded the document that proves what that particular section demands- will they contact me and ask for more information if needed? 

    Also, I'm just waiting on the police checks to come back. After that I'll send it in and from what I can work out,  they'll let me know about health checks; is there a time limit on this? My invitation expires 10/12/18- must I have had the health checks done by then too? It's not all that clear if I'm honest...

    Many thanks for any replies! 

  4. Hi

    I'm looking to pick your brains for insider info!

    I've been a teacher in the UK for 14 years. Trained originally in secondary French and German but since then I've headed up GCSE Citizenship, R.E. and Pshe. I've taught primary Year 6 for 3 years and I've lead whole school primary French across 3 schools. I'm a bit of a Jack of all trades! I just call myself a teacher, full stop. 

    I've just received an invitation to apply for a visa, so it's all starting to become more possible. My questions- to those of you who know the education system- are: what's demand like in the various states for French teachers; how's the secondary job market; how should I best market my talents and skills?

    Thanks in advance for any replies 😁

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