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Posts posted by TazG

  1. 2 minutes ago, Toots said:

    Hope it all works out for you!  ?  At least your current partner sounds like he wants to go and his plan about saving up seems pretty sound.  Are your children keen?

    Thanks Toots.  The kids want to go now!! haha they are so excited. I fear that my ex-husband may throw a spanner in the plans.  He has spent zero time with the girls in the past couple of years and spent time with my boy maybe 3 times in a year.  None of them want to see him or go to his.   I think he would attempt to obstruct just to be an ass.  All 3 of them really want to go though. 

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  2. I am another one who is wanting to go home.  I have never felt settled here.  The more the days pass the more I want to leave.  It will be 30 years in October since we moved down under.  I want to return with my children.  My biggest issues are... the ex husband - he doesn't see the kids at all as he is totally wrapped up in his new life.  The kids will be 14,15 & 17 by the time we go if we do.  And my other stumbling block is my current partner.  He wants to stay here and save up for as long as possible before going over.  Whereas I just want to go!  I am looking at flights now for April next year as I have a wedding to go to.  I don't see the point of going over all that way for a wedding and spending all that money for the 5 of us to only then turn around and come back to Aus for a few more months.  ?

  3. 9 minutes ago, Skani said:

    Not a problem in this part of Australia.   Leaves turning yellow,  leaves falling,   puffer jackets everywhere,   whiff of wood smoke in the air on a chilly evening...and  flame robin returns.    Must be autumn.  :)

    Those are the things I miss... we don't get the distinct seasonal changes in Qld. 

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  4. You rarely see snakes.  We have had two in our house... but they were baby green snakes.  Not poisonous.  We lived out west for a while and the average day was around 40 degrees and we had snakes galore!!  My biggest issue with Brissie is as I said the humidity atm.  Winter is awesome here! I love the cool crisp mornings.

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  5. We moved to Brisbane in 1988.  It is HOT!! and very humid.  Especially this summer.  It actually feels like it is never going to end.  We live on the bay so it is a little cooler than inner suburbs.  This summer seems to have been a lot hotter than previous summers.  We have had the AC on almost non stop.  Unfortunately we are in a rental house that does not have fly screens on the windows too so we are unable to have the windows open to allow a through breeze.  You do adjust to the weather.  When we first arrived it was in November.  It was such a shock to our system coming from Scotland where it was snowing to 35 degree heat haha  Saying that... we are moving back home next year as we are sick of the heat.

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  6. I've got to say... I am so sick of the heat and humidity in Brisbane.  Summer has been so long this year... it feels like we haven't had a break for over 7 months now.  The UK weather is one of the draw cards for us in our decision to move home.  I much prefer being cool and snuggling up to get warm as opposed to stripping off to almost nothing, having the AC on flat knacker and still dripping with sweat.  

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  7. I am wondering how the NHS will is work for my 16yr old daughter if we do move back. she is type 1 diabetic and a dual national.  I am going to try and apply for an NHS number when we return in May next year. Thinking about putting down my cousins address as ours so that we at least have that sorted. 

  8. I moved here when I was 14 with my family.  To this day, I still don't feel like I belong.  I have moved around a lot over here... In total 42 times in my lifetime.  I have always wanted to go home.  I have gone through the process of having my Aussie teenage children's British citizenship acknowledged and they have UK passports now.  We are seriously considering moving.  The only cons are.... work when we get there.  I am studying to be a solicitor atm.  NHS - how long that would take to sort as Daughter 1 is type 1 diabetic and will need supplies when we land almost.  Children's education... Daughter 1 will be ready for University at the end of next year.  Its been so long since I have been there.  We are going over Easter next year to see how we feel about it all.  I love the cooler climate.  Give me a snowy day over a typical brisbane summer day!

    Has anyone else felt this way?

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