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Everything posted by Cazza

  1. Yes very close, my Dad turns 70 in July so that is defo on my mind a lot. How long were you here the 1st time before you went back?
  2. 6 months in and we have decided to go back to the UK. The kids just haven't settled, missing family and friends so much and are plain miserable. I too feel that I am ready to return, despite this place being unbelievably beautiful. I Just wondering if anyone else has left so soon and if they had any regrets?
  3. Thanks for all the replies guys, much appreciated
  4. Hi guys. Desperately seeking some advice. We moved over from the UK last November and the kids are not settling. Our 15 year old son flew back home in January to finish his GCSE'S which is heart wrenching. Our 13 year old daughter is really struggling, asking to go home on a daily basis and crying every morning on the way to school. We have an 11 year old boy who is also desperate to go home. Do we do what seems right for the kids and take them home or will it get easier with time? I'm so torn, I would be happy to go back but my husband feels very settled here. Any advice greatly appreciated.
  5. Thanks Cal, advice much appreciated x
  6. Thanks very much for the advice, really appreciate it. I have been looking on AirBnB this morning and there seems to be a lot of suitable properties on there in the area. Thanks again, take care Cazza
  7. Hi all. I'm new to this site and after some advice! We are due to move out to the Peel region in late October (we being myself, hubby and 4 children) Where do we start?! The biggest thing is finding a rental property, how do we go about this without actually being in the country? I have been searching the internet so am aware that there are numerous rentals available in Mandurah. Does anybody have any advice as to how I would go about securing 1 and if this is even possible from the UK? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cazza
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