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Everything posted by GermanTeacher

  1. Sounds good. What about the 4,640 AUD visa cost ? Will they just be charged if I get an invitation ?
  2. Hello, I am thinking of moving to Australia as a Secondary school teacher with a 189 visa. Is there any restriction connected to the visa in terms of working in this role ? In New Zealand there are some requirements. "If you are working in this role, and are eligible, you can apply for residence after 2 years working in New Zealand". Do I need to work as a teacher in Australia to keep Permant Residence ? I mean they invited me to come to Australia to work as a teacher. What happens when I (in the unlikely event that the job is different in Australia and I don´t like it) change jobs, do I still keep my PR ? Hope to hear from you !
  3. Hello everyone, I was always keen on moving to Australia after my Working Holiday in 2016. But I could never reach the high points - 80 points at least. Now it´s quite low in the 65 - 70 points range after Covid and I want to give it a shot. But I am teaching Physical Education and English (as a non-native speaker from Germany) and those are subjects that are not particularly in high demand. Even though I could make the points, would get an invitation with my subjects ? From what I heard they look for Maths, Science or Technology and not Physical Education, so why should they invite me ? I can´t imagine they invite someone they don´t particularly need and rather want someone with subjects in demand. So my question: Do they look just at the points or also the subects in the 189 ? Should I give it a shot ?
  4. Thanks to everyone for replying ! But is there a list with the recent point limits online somewhere ? I would be really keen to know what other applicants needed to get an invitation.
  5. Hey and thanks for your message ! With how many points do you think it is worth applying ? Do you think an applicant with 75 points has a good chance ? Thank you
  6. Hello everyone, I saw that Secondary School Teachers are on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List. I am definately planning to apply, but I would reach 65 points maximum. I looked everywhere, but didn´t find where the point limit is published. I have doubts that 65 points are enough to secure me an invitation to apply. Is there a list with the recent point limits online somewhere ? Or can you tell me from experience what was needed in recent years to secure an invitation ? Greetings from Germany
  7. Hello, I have a profession from the MLTSSL, not difficult to guess which one, and I have a general question concerning it. How long will those professions be on the list. What does long-term mean .. 5 years, 8 years ? I am soon finishing my degree and I hope it will be around for some time. Is there an averge time for them to be on the list or can professions be kicked out suddenly ? Greeting from Germany !
  8. Hey, yes that´s correct - I´m German. Geboren und Aufgewachsen in Deutschland You said it´s not sure to get an invite. Do you know what the points deadline for teachers were to get an invite recently ? Where do I see which points were needed to get an invite ? Thanks so far
  9. No, not yet. But of course I will need to do it soon. I actually need 8.0 in every category to get my 20 points for English proficiency. And 20 points are part of my calculation for 65 points overall.
  10. How do you know with the 70 points ? I read that there are limits published online, but couldn´t find a site. Do you have a link maybe ?
  11. So it is sure that 65 points will get an invite ? Thats already good to hear. But what do you mean by it may take some time ? Months or even years ?
  12. Yes, I did. And I fulfill all the criteria. There is for example 45 days of supervised teaching practice, which I completed during my studies. My degree took me 5 years (3 years Bachelor and 2 years Master). I have 30 points for age, 20 for English proficiency, 15 for my degree = 65 points.
  13. Hey there, I´m happy to have discovered this website and I want to tell you my story. I´m a student in my final year, studying Physical Education and English for Secondary Schools. After my Bachelor I went to Australia on a WHV and I fell in love with the country. So I made the decision to actually apply for a 190 Visa. I think in the end, I would get 65 points and I´m not quite sure if that is enough. 65 Points enough to get invited and furthermore to lodge the visa ? What was the limit in recent years (Or where can I review them) ? I´m studying Physical Education and English. Do the subjects have an influence on the actual Visa process and are being considered ? Maths or Science are more valuable probably, but to which extend do the subjects play a role ? Thanks in advance !
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