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Posts posted by DXW059

  1. Hi all, 

    I've been invited to apply for a 189 visa as a medical practitioner. I have a query regarding claiming points for my medical degree. Reading the below from the DIAC website it is not clear to me what evidence they require that AHPRA view my degree as equivalent, would my certificate of registration on the competent authority pathway be sufficient?


    Recognition of your qualifications

    The authority undertaking your skills assessment may determine if your qualifications are comparable to the relevant Australian qualification. Assessing authorities are listed against your occupation in the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations. You must have obtained this recognition at the time you are invited to apply for a visa.

  2. Hi, 

    When creating an EOI I am given the option to tick both 189 and 190 on the same EOI. Does this mean that if I am invited for the 190 I will not be able to be subsequently invited for the 189 from the same EOI or does the 189 part of the EOI remain in the pool?


  3. Hi all, 

    I'm filling out my EOI for 189/190. In the skilled employment section it asks for my employment history in the last 10 years - do I need to declare each and every position here or only the ones I am claiming points for? 

    I have 7 years experience in my skilled occupation outside of Australia (including just over 5 years in one position) - can I just put down the single position of just over 5 years as that gets me the same points as putting down multiple positions totalling 7 years (trying to avoid having to get hold of and provide sufficient evidence of each position if possible!) 


  4. Hi, 

    Wondering if anyone can clarify this please - if we go for a visa medical for a temporary visa and when asked if we intend to apply for PR within 12 months we say yes and therefore are assessed from a medical point of view for both temporary and permanent visa applications, would we find out if we pass the permanent visa medical shortly after? i.e. before actually applying for PR? 


  5. "we don’t feel need for seasons and are quite happy being warm most of the year."

    We moved to Perth from the UK in January. I too like warm weather for much of the year. I have already found it getting chilly in Perth and it's only April. If you truly want to be warm most of the year and don't mind humidity I'd be looking at QLD/northern NSW instead. I fear you would come to Perth and overtime would end up having similar feelings about the climate that you're having in Adelaide now. 

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  6. A quick question that the agents on the forum might be able to assist with please 

    Just curious about this updateThapa v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2021] FCCA 686

    Is a valid skills assessment still required to submit an EOI? Is this change more for people who submitted a skills assessment at time of EOI which has expired by the time of visa invite?

    I'm trying to establish whether if I know my skills assessment will take, say 4 weeks, can I submit an EOI 2 weeks before applying for the skills assessment as I should still be able to upload a valid skills assessment within the invitation period (if invited to apply quickly). 

  7. Hello,

    my partner has depression which has been well managed for a long time with antidepressant medication. No hospital admissions/psychiatrist care. We have our medicals for temporary visas in a couple of weeks - would we need to get GP reports for this? I imagine it’s a pretty common scenario for the medicals and as he has never required the care of a specialist not sure if asking for reports is a bit overkill? 

    Thanks in advance 

  8. Currently going through the process of taking one dog from England to Perth. Will cost about £6000 in total, but our dog is a much larger breed. 

    Word of warning, quarantine in Melbourne is currently booked up until May 2023, and the rabies vaccines/bloods need to be done at least six months before dogs can travel, so plan ahead!

    We're using Ladyhaye who have been brilliant so far. 

  9. Hello,

    We (myself and de facto partner) have applied for  407 visa. Should we upload these forms pre-emptively or just wait to see if we're asked for them? And if we do upload them should just the primary applicant complete each form or do we each need to do each form?




  10. Hi,

    Myself and my de facto partner have recently done our ACRO UK police checks - during the application for these checks we declared that my partner believed he had accepted a caution approx 10 years ago for getting involved in a fight in a nightclub - I was expecting the police check to come back for him as ‘no live trace’ but to our surprise it came back as ‘no trace’ like mine. Perhaps he didn’t actually get a criminal record then - it was a long time and he doesn’t remember much about it. As it shows no trace am I correct in thinking we wouldn’t need to declare the possible caution when applying for a skilled visa? of course had it shown no live trace we were planning on declaring. 



  11. Hi,

    I’m due to be moving to Perth early next year and have employment lined up. My employer is sponsoring myself and my de facto partner for a 407 training visa. Unfortunately the wait times for this particular visa mean my start date is likely to be delayed.

    I am 30 years old. Is there anything that would stop me from applying for a WHV then applying for a 407 visa and commencing my job while on the WHV and awaiting the 407 grant? I understand the WHV has a no further stay condition - but if I apply for the 407 offshore before arriving would this be ok? 



  12. 7 minutes ago, DukeNinja said:

    I live in Bayside (Wynnum, Manly, Lota area). Off peak it takes me 30 mins to drive to Herston. Peak times can be up to 1 hour. Train is about 1 hour to Bowen Hills. 

    Great schools (Wynnum and Manly State schools for public primary).

    Here's a rental example: 29 Kitchener Street, Wynnum, Qld 4178 https://www.realestate.com.au/property-house-qld-wynnum-434854955

    Thanks, given it’s so close to the coast there is the flood risk greater? 

  13. Thanks for all the responses. 

    For those that know Brisbane, could you suggest some suburbs to look at where we will hopefully get some sea breeze, won't flood and is commutable to Herston? I was thinking perhaps areas of Sandgate, Brighton, Aspley etc. 

  14. Hi,

    I’ve received job offers from Adelaide and Brisbane and am so torn. I’d prefer the Brisbane job but am worried about the Brisbane humidity and how we’ll manage. Hoping that with air con over the summer months in the house we’ll be ok. 
    Such a difficult decision to make. Any advice/reassurance appreciated. 

  15. Hi, I'm afraid I'm not that far along in the process yet, it was more planning for the future. From the information I could find as long as the first four digits of the ANZSCO code are the same as your job offer/experience then you can apply under a 'closely-related occupation'.  It would be great if you could let us know how you get on. Best of luck! 

  16. Assuming you get a positive skills assessment the 189 is a great option in that you can live anywhere in the country, but you tend to need higher points and the process usually takes longer. 
    You could (at some point) apply for the 190 for Victoria but currently you have to be onshore. 

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