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Posts posted by summer

  1. On 13/10/2019 at 21:11, James H said:

    Just make sure you have an onward flight booked at the end of your tourist visa. New Zealand / Bali ... somewhere cheap ! 

    You have a similar query to mine, if you go on a tourist visa (3m) then apply for a bridging visa. The bridging visa gives you the same rights as your previous visa. In your case it would be a tourist visa or does the application of a spouse visa over ride this ? 



    Do I really need to book a return just so I don’t get questioned? Is it not legal to do it that way (tourist then application on shore?!)

  2. 22 hours ago, Raul Senise said:

    That's not how it works. You don't apply for a bridging visa and then apply for a partner visa. A bridging visa is granted when you make a valid application for a partner visa, while in Australia.

    Probably best to speak with your Agent so as not to become confused with the process.

    But just to clarify, I can only make the application after my 3 month tourist visa runs out? And then they go “ok application is in, you’re now awaiting so you’re on a temporary partner?” Or do they keep you on a bridging visa whilst I’m waiting for it to be approved? Sorry if that doesn’t make sense!

  3. So I know that my agent will answer this but it’s a Sunday and I get excited planning things 😂🙄 

    so my intentions- go over (husband back in Oz now!) on a 3m tourist visa. Apply for bridging so we can go on to apply for a spouse or partner visa (are they different!) 

    ok so my question, when I’m on bridging I have working rights but will have to pay for my child (8) to go into education. Now, I just thought “well 3 months off school go chill, surf etc, apply for bridging then once visa is put in we will be on that visa (not bridging) so won’t pay for school”.

    HOWEVER, it’s just occurred to me, say the spouse visa is 20-29 month approval time- am I actually on a bridging visa for that entire time!? Thus paying for school for that whole time? 

    And how do I get away with only booking a one way ticket, will I get questioned?! I’ve been there plenty of times but obviously with a return date...


    thank you again for any help x


  4. 22 hours ago, BobPetairUK said:

    Hi @summer

    Small dogs can have a double crate with a divider and fly in the same main crate, but it is better for them to have their own divided area. Puggles will only be able to fly with Qantas as they are classed by most airlines as snub nosed. It takes at least 7 months from start to finish, so worth starting early. Have a read of this for more detail https://www.petairuk.com/taking-pets-to-australia/dogs-australia

    And we will do you a free quote if you like, but off the top of my head (and dont hold me to this) then about £4000 in UK, but quarantine fees x 2 (at £1800 AUD each). But there are lots of variables in that, so if you want a better and more accurate quote then fill out our form https://www.petairuk.com/get-a-quote and we can gather all the details we need and give you a quote.

    Lots of pets go from UK to Queensland and cope fine with the heat - it is the same as the humans - it is hot at first, but then you get used to it and your bodies adapt.

    I hope that helps and if you need anything else then let us know.

    Thank you Bob, why can puggles only fly on certain airlines?! It doesn’t bother me just wondered! Also, is that guesstimate £4K per dog with quarantine fees on top? Thank you. 

  5. 2 hours ago, paulhand said:

    In broad terms the way it works is:

    If you apply for a partner visa onshore you are granted a bridging visa. This comes into force once the visitor visa you arrived on expires after three months. Once you are on the bridging visa, then you can work.

    We have discussed the 'legality' of this approach a number of times here recently. It is not illegal to apply for another visa whilst in Australia on a visitor visa (unless your visitor visa expressly prohibits this). You must be a "genuine temporary entrant" on your visitor visa, which means that you must abide by its conditions (not work etc) and, if you do not apply for a subsequent visa, you must leave Australia before it expires. The question that officers are supposed to consider: "is not  “will this person apply for a visa in Australia” but rather, “if this person does not apply for another visa in Australia, or if they apply and are refused, will they abide by the conditions of the visa and will they leave Australia”".

    See here for the discussions: 


    Ok thank you Paul. Any clarifications on the info I can take with me which would be for the bridging (work) and spouse (relationship paperwork) visas!? 

  6. Hi guys,

    ive tried finding the answer to this but I have scrolled and scrolled and I can’t find anything definitive.

    so basically I was always going to apply offshore but I finally have the 1229 signed and it feels silly just waiting it out here. So my question is... I was always under the assumption that if you apply on shore the process is 

    - arrive on tourist visa - apply for bridging visa for after 3 months tourist visa ends- assuming its approved you then send off application for spouse visa??

    please correct me if I’m wrong. I guess my main question is, is that actually legal!?! Upon arrival do I tell customs (if I was asked) that I’m just here on vacay to visit my husband?! Also I’m really lost that if that’s how it works then I can’t bring my work qualifications proof for working on bridging visa because then they would say that they would believe I was there to work not on holiday?! Same goes for all the documents I was planning on using for my spouse visa application!?


    please help! 

    Thank you ☺️

  7. Anybody recently moved and gave up to date quotes?!

    i have 2 dogs, approx 8kg, 5 years old, they are puggles (so bigger than a pug but smaller than a beagle)... I know they need dog passports but any recent costs etc would be so helpful.

    also, deciphering what to take and what to leave. And I have NO idea what to start re shipping containers. Any help on sizes/house sizes for comparison/amounts and prices to help?

    i can fill out all the quotes but there’s so many and I don’t know the best ones etc.


    thank you so much. 

  8. Hi!

    i have been married to my husband since April 19, and we have been together for 2.5 years before that. 

    He lives in oz as a permanent full time resident and I am perusing a visa to join him there.

    I have known him for 20+ years before we entered into a relationship but with us both having children prior to our relationship we have never lived together.

    we have spent 2+ years going between aus/uk, with the maximum time only ever being 3 months (visa length). I have spoken to my migration agent and they’ve said that us never living together may mean visa will be denied. I’m perplexed- we can’t possibly live together until our visa is approved and he doesn’t want to move back to the UK.... do you think this could cause it to be denied? I’m concerned now!


  9. My partner lives in Oz as a citizen- originally from the UK. My 8 year old daughter and I are planning to move to Australia to reside there. We are in discussions about the best way to do our visa (on/off shore) I was wondering if anyone can answer my question:

    - if we do the visa on or off shore does anyone know when and which stage we need to get the permission from her other parent with PR? Will it change if we do it on shore or is it the same? 

    - is the permission part of the early stages of the visa or the latter?


  10. Ali i haven't actually checked the points, i am seeing an agent to discuss it next week. 

    With regards to registering your relationship, does it make a difference to your application for a partner visa? 

    We do have permission for my daughter to move to Oz, do you know if I would have ongoing contact with him throughout the process or will it be done at the end/beginning and we will be done with it?

    Sorry for all the q's and appreciate your help!

  11. So my fiancé lives in Australia whilst I am still in the UK. My job is on the 'skilled visa' list, i have checked that my English qualification is recognised in Oz- it is, but only in one state (not an issue). 


    I guess my question is- which visa is easier/quicker to acquire? Can I go over on a partner visa then use my own qualification to ensure I can stay there in case things don't work out? Im not suggesting they wont, it's just I have a 7 year old from a previous relationship so I want to ensure some level of stability- i.e. not moving to oz and back and trying to return.


    And finally, if I go over on the skilled visa, do I have to find a job in that field prior to moving there and/or applying for the visa?!


    HELP!! Thanks

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